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25 Things You Didnt Know About Tori Fahse

1. When I was born I was black and blue. I had been

born dead because I choked on meconium.
2. when i was In kindergarten, a girl named zelda
complimented my on my bratz backpack. this is how
we became best friends.
3. My favorite movie in the world is The Wizard of Oz
4. My mother has recently been remarried and my
father does not know.
5. I do not like donuts.
6. I got attacked by a bull mastiff at the age of five
and had my face reconstructed by a plastic
7. I started to straighten my hair and wear makeup
when I was in Kindergarten.
8. I had a chunk of my hair ripped out of my head by
a Kitchen Aid and had a huge bald spot.
9. My parents got a divorce nine years ago.
10. My dream is to be able to sing and play many
11. I love to write creative stories and poetry.
12. I was confirmed last summer and rebaptized into
the Lutheran faith.
13. I am not shy but I do not like to associate with
many people.
14. I was suppose to go to Florida last summer with
my friend Sara but stayed home to spend more time
with my friends mom as she died from cancer.
15. My two best friends Zelda and Carrie moved very
far away. They are still my only true, best friends
till this day.
16. I have had seven hamsters in my life.
17. My first job was being a stall cleaner at Santiago
Stables. i Worked five days a week and made ten
dollars a day.
18. Both of my parents were born and raised in
19. Fall is my favorite season.
20. I wrecked my truck into a tree one day before
school and totaled it.
21. Middle school was the best three years of my
22. I am a god-aunt to a beautiful little girl named
23. My strongest subject is math and I actually
enjoy doing it.
24. I havent had cable television for five or six years
25. I got my first C in third grade in Reading. I was

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