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0.2.3 - 06.July.

- RMPrepUSB replaced HP USB format tool and PEtoUSB, thanks to Steve6375 from bo forums making RMPrepUSB package and letting me include and redistrib
ute it.
- Grub4dos bootsector&MBR detection and installation changed.
- added possibility to boot other ISOs, which can boot using grub4dos CD emulati
on. Here you can find number of examples:
0.2.2 - 15.June.2009
- MkMigrateInf.cmd updated for some systems with strange MountedDevices values.
(thanks to cdob)
- added several check if grub4dos bootsector was installed properly, if not- gru
b4dos MBR is written instead. The problem appears on some Vista/7 systems and NT
FS formatted USB sticks.
- fixed touchdrv.exe execution syntax (thanks to Wimb)
0.2.1 - 08.Apr.2009
- fixed an issue with grubinst on some systems where the backup files do not app
ear in the program directory
- NTFS warning message displayed once only
0.2.0 - 06.Apr.2009
- boot from USB disk is now required TWICE only, first start of Windows can be p
erformed from the internal disk.
- DOSNET.INF parsing redone
- program install and windows source now supported in paths containing spaces
- winnt.sif unattended section is now FULLY supported, including custom director
ies and drivers paths
- presetup.cmd checks if boot filea are present on the target disk and if not co
pies them. Useful for 2000 installs.
- binifix5.cmd is launched before start of GUI mode, new option intruduced '/nor
epair', which will not add USB repair entry in boot.ini
- added extra entries in BOOT.INI to test if getting HAL.DLL/NTOSKRNL.EXE not fo
und errors.
- Windows setup tag files are copied to USB drive root in order to support some
BTS DP base versions
- GParted replaced with PartedMagic, versions above 3.0 are supported.
- grub4dos updated to the 0.4.4 Final
- syslinux.exe updated to 3.73
- QEMU updated to the latest 0.9.1 snapshot, which should support Vista
- various other fixes
0.1.1 - 23.Oct.2008
- fixed DOSNET.INF parsing if path contains comma(s) and if some rare setting ar
e used in directory section
0.1- 16.Oct.2008
- unattended section handled better- if BTS drivers pack was not used, fake setu
p as per Pyron's method will be executed. This will launch presetup.cmd and when
done real Setup will be started.
If OEMPreinstall = yes is found $OEM$ folders will be copied to their place by
presetup.cmd. If OemPnPDriversPath is found, paths in it it will be scanned by
SPDrvScn in order to add those paths to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ DevicePath
If you need to disable driver signing errors add an entry in ~LS\I386\presetup
.cmd to start WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe and copy the latter from \WinSetupFri
mUSB\files\winsetup to your USB disk.
Credits to Driver Packs team, Ercofra, schalti, Pyron, a06lp and iLE.
Should work if installing x64 Windows too.
This part is not fully tested, feedback is welcome :)
- fixed bug when source is on a CD or mounted ISO and winnt.sif ot txtsetup.sif
not edited because of the read-only attributes.
- boot.ini is fixed during GUI part of setup.
- USB letter is fixed to U: in case of removable USB disk and U: is searched fir
st among the drive letters to avoid at least some of the silly windows errors wi
th empty card readers.
- fixed bug when more than 9 disks are present (again empty card readers). Progr
am will not continue if target USB disk has number in Windows > 9, as grubinst.e
xe doesn't work yet if disk number is 2 digits.
- added support for GParted vers. 0.3.7-7 and 0.3.9-4
- Grub4Dos updated to 0.4.4 2008-10-03
- little improvements in tooltips, error messages, logging and program code
- fixed WinBuilder copying
- source code included
- unattend.txt no longer used if winnt.sif is not found
0.1B- 08.Sept.2008 :
- presetup.cmd is properly created if doesn't exist
- quotes in DOSNET.INF [directories] section are ignored while parsing if newer
nLite versions (>= 1.4.5) was used
- winnt.sif read-only attributes reset when XP/200x source is on a CD
- small changes in GUI
- Grub4Dos updated to 08-08-2008
- selected items are reset upon completion to avoid free space warnings
- some fixes in patching for multiple XP/200x sources
- prompt to assign drive letter U: to USB disk
- boot menus changed to allow unattended XP/200x setup
- added desktop shortcut
0.1A - Initial release

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