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@Soilder Crying that no better king had ever Lived, no prince so

mild, no man so open to his people, so deserving of praise.

@Beowulf. Her visit ended their good luck. #OhNo
@Beowulf. They gaped with no sense Of sorrow, felt no regret
for his suffering.
@Beowulf. Ended the grief, the sorrow, the suffering Forced on
Hrothgars helpless people By a blood thirsty fiend. #Grendeldefeated
@Hrothgar Beowulf, youve come to us in friendship, and because Of
the reception your father found at our court.
@Beowulf. Now Grendel and I are called Together, and Ive come.
@Beowulf. I have chosen to accept the challenge,
Grendel, will be defeated soon. #Warrior
#KillingGrendel #Power
#Defeated #King
#GrendelsMother #Protection
#Battles #Evil

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