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Mood board
Film Inspiration

The films we are using as
inspiration for sound, camera,
representation and narrative all
have similar conventions.

Silence of the lambs
We are inspired by this film as its known as one
of the best horror films of all time.

The Shining
This film inspires us as the sound effects and the
music add to the build up the film and make it a
classic physiological film.

Cabin in the Woods
They use the stereotypical teenagers which we
have taken to create our teenagers as they
inspired us. We also like the narrative of this film
which we are using to create our own.

Camera Angles
Some examples of the camera shots
we looked at as
inspiration for our horror trailer.

Extreme Close Up
We are inspired by this shot as we think it is
intimating for the viewer. If used in sudden cuts
then its possible to make the viewer jump and

Point of View
This camera technique inspires us as it puts the
viewer directly in the shoes of the victim/actor. Its
a common technique used in films such as The
Blair Witch Project and Paranormal Activity.

Worms/Birds Eye View
This makes the viewer feel powerless, and
further instils fear into them. Worms eye view
within a horror genre, could be seen as if the
victim is hiding underneath something on the

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