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I have a confession to make.
When I tolu some of my fiienus that I planneu to name my online fitness couise "Six
Pack Shoitcuts," a few of them actually !"#$%&' at the name.
0ne conveisation that I iemembei paiticulaily viviuly was with my fiienu Alex. Alex
nevei useu to woik out in the past, but at the uiging of a few fiienus anu myself he
was about to begin an exeicise piogiam. Beie's what oui conveisation went like:
I tolu him about the Six Pack Shoitcuts piogiam, anu he loveu it...but he wasn't too
exciteu about the name.
"Nike, you can't call it Six Pack Shoitcuts," he saiu inuignantly. "Eveiyone knows
that theie aie no shoitcuts to getting six pack abs. 0f couise eveiyone wants them,
but the only way to get them is thiough obsessive uieting, woiking out constantly,
anu saciificing youi lifestyle. That's just ieality. All those 'shoitcuts' that they
piomise you on the infomeicials aie just scams."
"Well, you'ie iight about one thing," I tolu him. "Nost of the 'shoitcuts' being
maiketeu foi getting six pack abs ARE scams. Anu theie's uefinitely no magic pill
that you can take that gives you six pack abs instantly, with no effoit."
"But," I continueu, "Fiom getting abs myself anu also fiom tiaining clients foi so
many yeais, I know that theie ARE many ieal shoitcuts which you can use to get six
pack abs fai fastei than the aveiage guy. This is because 9u% of the effoit that the
aveiage guy puts into getting six pack abs is a complete waste. Theie is so much
misinfoimation out theie, that if you just stait uoing the RIuBT things with youi
eating anu woikouts, you'll see uiamatic iesults in youi abs in as little as a few
"A few N0NTBS.!." he askeu incieuulously. "Bow can that be possible. I know guys
who have been tiying foi YEARS to get a six pack, anu they STILL can't see theii
"Well, as I saiu befoie it basically comes uown to applying ceitain "shoitcuts" to
getting six pack abs that most guys uon't know about. You leveiage youi woikouts
anu eating so that eveiy little bit of effoit piouuces BIu iesults. This is what we
uesigneu the piogiam aiounu...theie aie ovei Su uiffeient shoitcuts that guys can
use to get moie iesults in less time."
"Can you shaie a few of them with me." he askeu.
"Suie. I can give you seven simple but vERY poweiful ones - just by using these
you'll have a big auvantage ovei eveiy othei guy tiying to get in shape.
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Shortcut #1: Cut 1he Ineffect|ve Iorms Cf Lxerc|se Irom our
Workout kout|ne

"Beie's a huge one," I began. "I woulu estimate that
about 9u% of the time that most guys aie spenuing
uoing exeicise is essentially wasteu. Nobouy has
evei taught them the RIuBT way to woik out - so
they spenu houis upon houis uoing things that have
been scientifically pioven to uo almost nothing foi
youi physique anu abs."
"Really." Alex askeu. "Like what."
"Well, the biggest time-wastei in my opinion is long,
slow, steauy state caiuio. uuys have been taught
that they must jog on a tieaumill oi iiue on a bike
foi houis on enu to lose weight - but in fact,
ieseaich has pioven that caiuio is actually
extiemely ineffective foi weight loss."
"Foi example, if you weie to iiue a stationaiy bike
oi use an elliptical machine at a light pace foi an
houi, you'u only buin about Suu caloiies. That's about as much caloiies as aie in a
few hanufuls of potato chips, oi a big glass of oiange juice. Anu you'u have to uo it
foi an B00R to buin that much! Long, slow caiuio just uoesn't buin veiy many
caloiies. It's also incieuibly boiing, anu weais out youi bouy making it haiuei foi
you to uo woikouts that aie actually effective."
"Then why uo you see so many guys on tieaumills at the gym."
"It's basically because nobouy ieally knows what they'ie uoing, so eveiyone just
plays 'follow the followei.' Eveiyone figuies that since long, slow caiuio is so
populai, it N0ST be the iight way to exeicise. Aftei all, that many people can't
possible be wiong...iight."
"But if you ieally look at the ieseaich - anu the histoiy of the fitness inuustiy -
you'll see this 'follow the followei' line of ieasoning is completely flaweu, anu veiy
uangeious. Anu you can also veiify this just by looking aiounu youi local gym...
you'll see that most of the guys on tieaumills have meuiocie oi pooi physiques."
"Wow...that will uefinitely save me a lot of time just knowing not to uo caiuio. Aie
theie any otheis like that you can tell me about."
"Befinitely," I ieplieu. "Bave you evei seen guys who uo big 'ciicuits' of weight
machines, anu nevei touch the fiee weights."
"Yeah," Alex saiu. "You mean to say that these guys aie wasting theii time too."
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"Well, not quite as bauly as the tieaumill guys. They aie at least builuing some
muscle fiom theii woikouts...but they coulu be uoing it much fastei anu easiei if
they tiaineu mainly with fiee weight anu bouy weight exeicises, anu useu machines
eithei veiy spaiingly oi not at all."
"But the fiee weights seem so %")'," Alex objecteu. "Anu aien't baibells anu stuff
like that just foi meatheaus. I thought that all smait guys knew that machines weie
"Well, of couise lifting fiee weights aie haiu - *+ ,-#./& -0!, 1)"*0&' 2*1% 3"4%*0&5
6&+-)&7 That's because if you tiain mainly with machines, you'ie ueveloping veiy
little ieal stiength. You can lift an impiessive looking stack of plates on the machine,
but you uon't uevelop the stabilizing muscles iequiieu to lift a ieal object unassisteu
by pulleys anu cables. Anu what most guys uon't know is that STABILIZINu anu
C0NTR0LLINu the weight is actually a veiy impoitant pait of the lift - anu with a
machine you aie iobbeu of this souice of muscle gain."
"0nce you know how to lift fiee weights though, they'ie actually just as easy as
machines. You just have to oveicome that initial hump of fiustiation, wheie you'ie
lifting much less weight than you think you 'shoulu' be."
"Anu of couise, lifting with fiee weights uoes N0T mean that you'ie a meatheau. If
you tiain with stiict attention to foim, fiee weights aie actually significantly safei
than machines. You uon't have to be like those guys who toss heavy weights aiounu
with teiiible foim just to impiess othei uuues in the gym - you can tiain with fiee
weights in a veiy safe anu scientific way."
"Bmm...well now I'm beginning to unueistanu." Alex saiu. "I've basically been
tiaining with caiuio anu weight machines only up until now. Anu you'ie telling me
I'u get iesults much fastei if I cut these fiom my woikout ioutine."
"Right -- just by cutting those two ineffective foims of exeicise out, anu ieplacing
them with effective exeicises, you'll make WAY fastei piogiess than othei guys. All
of theii gym time will be essentially wasteu, while you'll be squeezing the maximum
possible muscle gain anu fat loss out of youis."
"Anu caiuio anu weight machines aie two of the biggest culpiits, but of couise theie
aie many otheis as well. You can liteially spenu YEARS on this stuff with no
iesults...oi you can take the 'shoitcut' of leaining the RIuBT stuff, anu get iesults
iight away."
Shortcut #2: Short, Cons|stent Workouts

"Beie's anothei one that scieweu me up back when I fiist staiteu. I ieally wanteu
abs, so when I'u go to the gym I usually spent ovei an houi theie - anu sometimes
two. I figuieu the moie time I spent in the gym, the fastei my piogiess woulu be."
Copyiight 2u1u Nike Chang Fitness
"But isn't that tiue." Alex saiu. "I mean, I
always thought that guys with six packs
basically spent theii lives in the gym."
"No, it's just one of the most peivasive
fitness myths. 'Naiathon' woikouts aie
actually not veiy goou foi getting six
pack abs at all, foi thiee main ieasons."
"Fiist of all, uoing moie sets of exeicises
in the gym uoes not necessaiily tianslate
into moie muscle. Nost guys uiamatically ovei-estimate the amount of stimulus
theii muscles neeu to giow. In fact, uoing too many sets of exeicise can actually
cause you to L0SE muscle, because you bieak them uown too much thiough
exeicise, anu nevei give them a chance to iecovei anu iebuilu themselves. I myself
maintain my abs with only Su minute woikouts - anu I also iecommenu that most
time a client evei spenu in the gym is Su minutes."
"Seconu, uoing maiathon woikouts saps youi intensity. It's just not possible to go
all-out foi two houis stiaight - you begin going easy on youi lifts, because you have
to just to get thiough such a long woikouts. Anu since intensity of effoit is exeicise
moie impoitant to muscle giowth than volume of exeicise, you enu up losing moie
than you gain."
"Anu finally, theie's a veiy impoitant psychological ieason why shoit woikouts aie
bettei - long gym sessions aie psychologically giueling, anu make it exponentially
moie likely you'll skip woikouts oi quit the piogiam altogethei. Anu if theie's one
thing that all guys with abs have in common, it's consistency. If you uieau going to
the gym, this is a majoi pioblem because it will inteifeie with you consistently
getting the woikouts uone."
"That makes a lot of sense," Alex ieplieu thoughtfully.
Shortcut #3: Increase our Metabo||sm 1o Lose We|ght

"Beie's anothei huge one. Eveiyone
always tells you that the only way to lose
weight is to eat fewei caloiies. But what
if I tolu you that theie was a way foi you
to eat just as many caloiies as you aie
iight now, oi even N0RE, anu still lose
"I'u say you'ie pulling my leg," saiu Alex.
"Right - but then look at the way I eat
Copyiight 2u1u Nike Chang Fitness
myself. 0f couise I focus on eating mainly healthy foous, but you youiself know that
I consume a B0uE amount of foou eveiy uay, anu fai moie caloiies than the aveiage
"That's tiue," he saiu. "You must have killeu eight plates at the buffet the othei uay!
I've nevei seen anyone eat as much as you befoie, anu still stay lean. But I always
just figuieu that was because of youi genetics."
"Actually, my natuial 'natuial' genetics aie to be fat - as you've seen fiom the
pictuies of me befoie I staiteu woiking out. But the ieason why I'm able to stay lean
is because I apply this shoitcut to weight loss."
"Well, what is it." Alex askeu eageily.
"It's simple: ! #$%&'( )*+, -'%$ .$/( 0'12 -/&& *& 3'*(3 +' ,/4$ / ,*3,$%
-$+/0'.*&-5 0$6/7&$ +,$%$ *& -'%$ /6+*4$ +*&&7$ +,/+ 2'7% 0'12 ,/& +' $8#$(1
$($%32 +' -/*(+/*(9 :; 2'7 6/( 3/*( / &*3(*;*6/(+ /-'7(+ '; -7&6.$5 2'7%
-$+/0'.*&- )*.. 0$ &*3(*;*6/(+.2 *(6%$/&$19 <,*& -$/(& 2'7=.. 0$ /0.$ +' .'&$
)$*3,+5 $4$( ),$( 2'7=%$ $/+*(3 #.$(+2 '; ;''19>
"That makes a lot of sense," Alex saiu. "I suppose that's why a 2uu lb. guy neeus way
moie foou than a 1uu lb. giil."
"Right, same piinciple. If you have 17u lbs. of lean mass on youi bouy, you'll be
buining many moie caloiies than if you only hau 14u."
"But I heaiu somewheie that a pounu of muscle only incieases youi metabolism by
6 caloiies pei uay. Is that tiue."
"Theie have been stuuies that have founu that, but they aie flaweu because they
only take into account youi complete iesting metabolic iate. That is, you'u only buin
6 moie caloiies pei uay if you liteially laiu in beu anu uiun't move a muscle all uay.
But stuuies which factoi in noimal uaily activity - walking aiounu, sitting anu
stanuing, occasionally playing spoits, that the ieal numbei of extia
caloiies you will buin pei uay befoie factoiing in youi woikouts is ;*;+2 6/.'%*$&
#$% 1/25 #$% #'7(1 '; $8+%/ -7&6.$9>
"Wow...I can see how that makes a huge uiffeience."
"Right. That's how I'm able to stay so lean, while eating like a hoise. It's also ieally
the only sustainable way to stay lean - I mean, how long can you ieally staive
youiself foi. Incieasing youi metabolism is just a much bettei way to lose weight,
anu a key shoitcut to getting six pack abs."
Shortcut #4: Cook A Week's Worth Cf nea|thy Iood In Advance

Copyiight 2u1u Nike Chang Fitness
"What about foi youi uiet." Alex askeu. "It's so haiu foi me to eat healthy...I'm
always tiying, but it seems like I can nevei ieally stick to it consistently."
"Nost people can't," I ieplieu. "In
fact, about 9S% of people who tiy
to go on uiets fail to lose any
weight, anu actually enu up gaining
moie fat than they oiiginally hau in
the enu. So it's not just you - it's
just that we as humans have veiy
little willpowei, which is why most
"conventional wisuom" uiets have
9S% failuie iates."
"So how can I lose weight then."
"Well, it's pietty simple - I believe
that you can contiol youi behavioi with puie willpowei foi about an houi a week.
Aftei that, it just uoesn't woik - willpowei just uoesn't last that long. ?' 2'7 ($$1
+' 1' &'-$+,*(3 ,*3,.2 .$4$%/3$1 *( +,/+ ,'7% +,/+ $(&7%$& 2'7=.. $/+ ,$/.+,2
;'% +,$ %$&+ '; +,$ )$$@9>
"What coulu I possibly uo in an houi that ensuies I eat healthy foi a whole week."
"It's suipiisingly easy: A7&+ 6''@ / )$$@=& )'%+, '; ,$/.+,2 -$/.&5 /(1 &+'6@ 2'7%
%$;%*3$%/+'% )*+, +,$-9 This will ensuie that you'll eat healthy foi a whole week. If
you uon't, you'll have to waste money on foou, plus you'll feel like an iuiot foi
cooking the foou then not eating it. Plus, you'll have a healthy meal in minutes
anytime you want it - you won't eat unhealthy foou because it's moie convenient.
viitually 1uu% of my clients eat healthy foi a week while uoing this - even the ones
who stiuggleu with conventional uiets."
"I can't believe how simple that is," Alex saiu. "But I see exactly how it woiks. I know
that if I spent the time anu money to make a week's woith of healthy foou I'u
uefinitely eat them - I'u feel like I was ciazy if I just cookeu a bunch of foou, anu
thiew it all away."
"Right. Anu this little psychological tiick is anothei impoitant shoitcut to getting a
six pack that most guys uon't know about. In fact, it's one of the piinciples my Zeio
Willpowei Eating System is built aiounu. 0f couise, theie's much moie to it than
that - you have to know the iight foous to eat, how to piepaie them so they taste
gieat, anu you neeu a system foi cooking them with minimal time anu effoit. But
once you leain this, you'll have a massive auvantage because it'll become fai easiei
foi you to eat clean."
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Shortcut #S: ICCUS - Cn|y Learn Cne Cr 1wo key nab|ts At A

"Beie's anothei big one," I continueu.
"uetting six pack abs is mostly a mattei
of establishing goou eating anu exeicise
habits. In total, I woulu say that theie aie
12 key habits that aie iesponsible foi
about 9u% of youi iesults in youi
"That sounus like a lot," Alex saiu. "Bow
can I leain all of those."
"It is a lot - if you uo it the way that most
'fitness guius' teach, anu tiy to leain all
12 at once. The vast majoiity of people
who tiy anu uo it this way fail - it's just
not possible to actually implement that
many changes in youi life at the same time."
"So then how uo you uo it." he askeu.
"Easy - ;'67& '(.2 '( .$/%(*(3 '($5 '% /+ +,$ -'&+ +)' @$2 ,/0*+& /+ / +*-$9 B(.2
-'4$ '(+' +,$ ($8+ '($& '(6$ 2'7 ,/4$ +,$ #%$4*'7& '($& 1')( &'.*1.29 ?+/%+
)*+, +,$ -'&+ *-#'%+/(+ ,/0*+5 +,$( 3' +' +,$ &$6'(1 -'&+ *-#'%+/(+5 /(1 &'
'( 7(+*. 2'7=4$ *(6'%#'%/+$1 /.. CD *(+' 2'7% .*;$9>
"That sounus a lot easiei."
"Befinitely, because the haiu pait about establishing goou habits is making the
initial change. The fiist few weeks aie veiy haiu, but once it's become youi ioutine
it's veiy easy to maintain. This is anothei key piinciple that Six Pack Shoitcuts is
built aiounu - in each phase of the piogiam, you'll be focusing on implementing one
of two key habits into youi life. This way, you uon't get oveiwhelmeu anu confuseu,
anu youi chances of success aie fai highei."
Shortcut #6: Use A Mu|t|-hase |an 1o Iocus Cn Cne Goa| At A

Alex lookeu at me quizzically. "But uoesn't that make things moie complicateu. I
mean, why not just follow one piogiam the whole time that will let you achieve all
youi goals."
Copyiight 2u1u Nike Chang Fitness
"That's actually a goou question, anu it leaus into
anothei key shoitcut to getting six pack abs. Anu that
is, following a multi-phase plan uoes not make things
haiuei. It actually makes things much EASIER anu
SINPLER, because you can focus on achieving one
single goal in each phase."
"This is B0uE psychologically," I continueu. "Foi
example, it's veiy haiu to tiy anu both gain muscle
anu lose fat at the same time. Because if you'ie uoing
this, youi weight will essentially iemain the same.
Even if you'ie making gains in teims of bouy
composition, you won't be able to see iesults veiy
quickly anu uiamatically. You also won't know
whethei oi not what you'ie uoing is even woiking foi a few months."
"But if you focus 0NLY on gaining muscle, then you'll know much fastei. If youi lifts
aie going up, anu you see moie muscle mass in the miiioi then what you'ie uoing is
woiking. The same with losing fat - if youi measuiements anu weight aie going
uown, but all youi lifts aie staying the same then you know you'ie on the iight tiack.
Tiying to measuie anu woik on both at the same time is just too haiu anu
"Theie aie also impoitant physical ieasons why focusing on one fitness goal at a
time is essential. If you'ie tiying to lose fat, you will have to eat less than noimal.
You'll still feel fine, but you piobably won't actually be able to make gains in
stiength anu muscle size. Anu vice veisa."
"Is that why you maue Six Pack Shoitcuts a foui phase plan."
"Right - it evolveu into a foui phase plan because that's what got the best iesults foi
my clients in the shoitest time."
"In Phase I, we focus on builuing youi metabolism. We show you the exeicises that
pack on total bouy muscle. This makes losing weight much easiei in latei phases,
anu pioviues a soliu base of muscle which we can sculpt the fine uetails into latei."
"In Phase II, we focus on buining youi belly fat. You'll get a simple eating anu
exeicise system that will make you lose fat fast. Especially when coupleu with youi
acceleiateu metabolism we built in Phase I, it's by fai the fastest anu easiest way to
lose weight."
"In Phase III, we focus on builuing youi coie muscle. We show you the total bouy
exeicises that builu a tastefully musculai, "fitness mouel" style six pack. Anu TBIS is
also when you get my full aisenal of uiiect ab exeicises - now that you've lost youi
belly fat, this is when they ieally make a uiffeience."
Copyiight 2u1u Nike Chang Fitness
"An finally, in Phase Iv we focus on getting you a fully-uefineu six pack, anu on
maintaining youi abs foi life. In the pievious phase you see ab uefinition, but in this
phase we put the finishing touches on so that all of youi abs aie completely uefineu.
You'll also leain how to maintain youi abs peimanently with minimal effoit."
"Ah - now I see," Alex ieplieu. "That way you only have to woiiy about piogiessing
in one aiea at a time, anu in the iest you just have to maintain what you alieauy
have. That '-&5 make things a lot simplei."
Shortcut #7: Gett|ng Coach|ng Irom 1he 8est

Alex saiu "I'm uefinitely beginning to unueistanu how theie ARE shoitcuts to getting
six pack abs now. I can see how most guys liteially waste YEARS uoing ineffective
things, anu they woulu get iesults much fastei if they just uiu the things that woikeu
iight off the bat."
"Right," I saiu. "But I still haven't tolu you about the 0LTINATE shoitcut to getting
six pack abs."
"Really...theie's an ultimate shoitcut. What is it."
"I call it the ultimate shoitcut because just by using this one, you'll automatically
have access to all the iest. Anu that shoitcut is: 3$++*(3 6'/6,*(3 /(1 +%/*(*(3
;%'- +,$ 0$&+9>
"Why is that so impoitant." Alex askeu. "I mean, aien't all peisonal tiaineis anu
fitness expeits the same."
"Nost uefinitely not. The iight tiainei can make a NASSIvE uiffeience in youi
iesults, anu get you abs in weeks iathei than yeais. But unfoitunately, many
tiaineis will actually teach you the WR0Nu stuff, anu leave you woise off then when
you staiteu."
"So how can I tell the uiffeience."
"Well, theie aie thiee main ciiteiia that I look foi."
"Fiist of all, the tiainei -7&+ 0$ *( 3%$/+ &,/#$9 If you'ie cuiiently getting auvice
fiom someone who has a meuiocie oi pooi physique, you'ie making a hoiiible
mistake. You have to ask youiself - if theii auvice is so goou, why uon't they use it to
get six pack abs themselves. Theie's no ieal answei to that, othei than to concluue
that theie is something about eithei theii attituues towaius fitness oi theii specific
techniques that is piouucing pooi iesults. I've seen NANY tiaineis in meuiocie
shape give auvice to clients, anu unsuipiisingly theii auvice is almost univeisally
Copyiight 2u1u Nike Chang Fitness
"Seconuly, the guy must have +%/(&;'%-$1 ,*& 0'129 You uon't want to leain fiom
someone who's just a genetic fieak, anu who natuially has six pack abs without
having to uo any woik. This is because a peison with "aveiage" genetics like you anu
I will not be able to iepiouuce theii iesults, even if we uo the same things."
"Finally, he must also 0$ / 3%$/+ +%/*($%5 *( /11*+*'( +' 0$*(3 /0.$ +' 3$+ 3%$/+
%$&7.+& ;'% ,*-&$.;9 Theie aie many guys who can get killei iesults in theii own
bouy, but who uon't ieally enjoy teaching otheis. Anu theie aie many guys who just
uon't have the skills iequiieu to be a gieat tiainei - it iequiies an entiiely uiffeient
skillset to effectively teach anu mentoi a client, than it uoes to just tiain youiself.
You neeu to make suie that the guy you'ie getting auvice fiom also has a tiack
iecoiu of getting gieat iesults foi his clients - that's how you'll know you've founu
the iight guy."
"Bmm...that sounus a lot like you!" Alex saiu with a chuckle.
"Yes it uoes, anu that's no coinciuence. Since these aie the stanuaius that I holu
fitness expeits to when I'm looking foi auvice, they'ie also the stanuaius that I stiive
to upholu myself."
S|x ack Shortcuts: 1he Iastest Way 1o 8urn 8e||y Iat And Get
S|x ack Abs

"So I heaiu youi Six Pack Shoitcuts couise is coming out soon," Alex saiu. "What's
that all about."
"Basically, it's the fastest way to buin youi belly fat anu get six pack abs. It's the
piogiam that woikeu to get hunuieus of my clients six pack abs, most of them in just
12 weeks. It's ueliveieu thiough a seiies of piofessionally piouuceu online viueos
you can eithei stieam oi uownloau. In othei woius, it's like having me as youi on-
call peisonal tiainei 24 houis a uay, anu at a fiaction of the cost."
"Nice," he ieplieu. "I'll be looking foiwaiu to it!"
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