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I. Form positive sentences in Simple Present.

1. he / the question / answer

2. Mary / in a musical / dance

3. I / cats / like

4. it / a lot / rain

5. we / with a family / stay

6. she / Irish / be

7. he / a computer / have

8. they / races / run

9. she / on a chair / sit

II. Form positive sentences in Simple Present.
1. she / me / ask

2. the dog / bark

3. you / a box / carry

4. Anna / the window / open

5. they / their pens / count

6. they / their calculators / use

7. it / too much / weigh

8. we / at the gym / meet

9. you / the sentence / understand

10. You / always / flowers / bring

III. Form positive sentences in Simple Present.
1. I / the question / answer

2. she / a bag / carry

3. Fiona / her grandma / visit

4. we / in the park / wait

5. I / magazines / read

6. they / races / run

7. my computer / crash

8. Ruth / the pencil / drop

9. Andy / the ball / pass

10. the teacher / to the board / point

IV. Form positive sentences in Simple Present.
1. Greg / the ball / kick

2. you / cards / play

3. they / us / remember

4. I / magazines / read

5. Sally / to school / hurry

6. Ben / the fire / light

7. You / always / flowers / bring

8. he / you / criticise

9. he / the problem / discuss

10. he / to our question / refer

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