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Have your young student stand upright, holding

out his or her left arm, palm facing up. Gently

measure the distance from the left side of the neck
out to the line where his or her wrist meets the
hand (in inches or centimeters). At left is a picture
of that natural line at the wrist, which have I
darkened with pen, so that you can see what I
mean. You can use a tape measure or a yardstick; I
use my home-made "Fiddle Stick," a yardstick on
which I've marked all the measurements.

The chart below will tell you what size violin is
appropriate. I find these measurements to be
extremely accurate -- more so than the old trick of
having the child attempt to grasp the scroll. If you
are a private teacher or a school teacher, you easily
can make your own "Fiddle Stick," with a yardstick
(or meterstick) and some permanent markers. (If
you are feeling like collecting some goodwill
karma, make one for your local overworked and
underpaid public school teacher!)
Measurements in Inches:
1/16 size: 13 1/4 inches or less
1/10 size: 14 1/4 inches 1/8 size:
15 1/4 inches
1/4 size: 17 1/4 inches
1/2 size: 19 inches 3/4 size: 20 1/2 inches
Full size: 21 1/4 inches

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