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Life Function
Childrens Book

Your task is to create a child-
friendly book about the life
functions. You are free to create
whatever you like in order to
accomplish this task.

In your assignment you must include the
1. A description of all 9 life functions.
2. An example of a type of feedback
3. An explanation of homeostasis or
dynamic equilibrium
4. A portrayal of 5 of the following words:
heterotroph, autotroph, ingestion,
digestion, egestion, absorption,
circulation, aerobic, anaerobic, sessile,
5. At least 3 pictures to go along with your
6. A cover page that includes your name &
the title of your book.

Some ideas include but are not
limited to:
an ABC book
a comic strip
a pop-up book
a fairy tale
a modification of your favorite

How you will be graded:
Use the following grading checklist to guide you in
your project
1. _______Cover page with name & title of book
(1 point)
2. _______ All 9 life functions named and
defined/ explained (9 points)
3. _______ Proper example and explanation of a
feedback mechanism (2 points)
4. _______Proper explanation of homeostasis or
dynamic equilibrium (2 points)
5. _______ ***Portrayal of 5 of the following
words : heterotroph, autotroph, ingestion,
digestion, egestion, absorption, circulation,
aerobic, anaerobic, sessile, motile (5
6. ________*** At least 3 pictures (3 points)***
7. ________ Neat & Legible (1 point)
8. ________ Proper spelling and grammar(1)
Total Points ________/30
*** These are areas where you can go above and
beyond to receive bonus points. If you include all
of the minimum requirements, you will receive 24
out of 30 points. This will equal to a grade of
80%. You must go above and beyond to receive a
grade of 100%.

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