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Eveiyone has obstacles to oveicome in life, but some people seem to have moie
than theii shaie. Among those in these situations, the ones who can uemonstiate a
positive attituue seem to be the most successful in achieving the most favoiable

0ne such peison is my gianufathei, Robeit NcCleain. In August of 2uu2, while
woiking in his backyaiu on a bank by a stieam, he steppeu foiwaiu, lost his balance
anu flippeu ovei into high giass, bieaking his neck. No one was home at the time of
the fall anu since he lives in a iuial aiea no one coulu heai his weak calls foi help.

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Bouis latei my gianumothei came home anu coulun't finu him. She went outsiue
seveial times looking foi him, but his voice was too weak foi hei to heai. As uaylight
began to faue, she went out again anu began to seaich the yaiu. That is when she
finally founu him lying on the bank. She immeuiately calleu 911 anu he was taken
stiaight to the hospital.

Aftei a lengthy stay anu a neck suigeiy iequiiing the iemoval of five veitebiae that
weie ieplaceu with a glueu anu wiieu iib bone, the uoctois gave him a giim
uiagnosis saying the chances weie veiy slim that he woulu evei be able to use his
aims oi legs again.

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This nevei even fazeu Robeit. Thiough his unshakable, spiiitual faith anu sheei
ueteimination, he set out to piove the uoctois wiong. Be completeu months of
iehabilitation anu painful physical theiapy anu iegaineu the use of his aims anu
legs. Touay he has full contiol of his limbs anu is as busy as evei.

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