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Kaumron Eidgahy

Mrs. Smolonsky
Photography 1: Period 1
1 October 2014
Photo Write 10/1/14: Shutter Priority
What is s or Tv mode on the DSLR cameras?
Shutter priority mode allows users to choose a specific shutter speed while
the camera automatically adjusts the aperture to ensure correct exposure.
What does it do? How does it work?
Shutter speed is essentially the amount of time the shutter is open. This
shooting mode is especially useful to control a photograph of a moving subject. For
example, if an object is moving by but the photographer wanted to completely
freeze it (no motion bur) they would choose a fast shutter speed. However, if the
photographer wanted some motion blur to illustrate movement they could choose a
slower shutter speed. At speeds under 1/60 it is recommended to use a tripod due
to blur from the camera shaking.

fast shutter speeds (ie: 1/2000) slow shutter speeds (ie: 1/125)

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