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A. How do the two systems of Democracy differ as far as branches of government are concerned?

The parliamentary system has two parties. The majority party and minority party which are the voters
of the prime minister. The parliamentary system has the house of lordes and the House of Commons,
which are elected. And the presidential system has judicial branch of the government that the
parliament does not have. And the parliament system has the prime minister that is head of the
B. Regarding elections, how do the systems compare?
The parliamentary system has 650 member and the elections are every five years. Unless the
prime minister calls for a vote of confidence which leads to a new election for a new election if they do
not like the prime minister. The presidential system has the congress that can veto the power. Both
systems make or approve the new laws that are made.
C. Do their leaders share similar terms in office? Explain in complete sentence format.
Yes both leaders share similar terms in the office. And both have to vote to for approval of a
new law to be passed. Also they have carry out the law and interpret the laws before the law is passed.
But the parliament system has flexible terms meaning that the same person can keep running as many
time as they want. Where as the presidential system they have to finish out their terms.
D. What are the "advantages" of each system of government? [at least two each]
Parliamentary: The term is flexible which allows someone to be run as many times as they want
to. Is faster and easier to pass laws than presidential.
Presidential: citizens to manage their government either directly or through elected
representatives. People can vote for the president through elections
E. Identify a disadvantage" of each system.
Parliamentary: The prime minister can call a vote of confidence, which can call for a new
election if they do not like the person. The prime minister parties have all the power not the people.
Presidential: The president has to complete a full term of presidency which is four years even if
others dont want them anymore. No overlap of executive and legislative duties.

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