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Book Club Reading

Chuck Christensen
The Last Lecture
Pages Read-85-135
1. I said since you asked I have terminal Cancer and I have just a few months to live so we moved
closer to my wives family in response to officer pulling him over
2. I have 4 very good reasons to suck it up and keep going and I will
3. Other kids wanted to be Hans Solo not me I wanted to be the guy who made the special effects
the spaceships, planets and robots.
1. The thoughts that must be in a persons head when they or a loved one is dying?
2. Why all the childlike interests and goals? This is a question that lingers with me t/o the book
3. What could he have accomplished if he would have lived a full life or is this book more because
of his terminal status?

Points of Interest
1. He was very planned and scientific and now he has no control over his sure death.
2. I like the idea of too much stroking and not enough constructive criticism.
3. Student was shocked to find he was ranked last among peer reviews.
4. Having dreams propels this story also to have ones self to have dreams
5. Makes you think about the things and people in my life and hopefully adds an appreciation to
being alive!!

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