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400 grams of fresh button mushrooms

150 ml of tomato juice

100 g of onions
1/2 teaspoon hot paprika
1 teaspoon ground red paprika
2 teaspoons of vegeta
30 ml oil(2 tablespoons)
2 bay leaves
salt and pepper to taste
Onion cut it into cubes, clean the mushrooms and cut into large chunks.
Heat the oil in a pot of appropriate size, when the oil is sufficiently heated,
add the onion and fry it until golden and soft, about ten minutes, add the mus
hrooms and saute until they become soft, mushroom will drop its own juice, and
usually not necessary add water or need to add up just a little bit. In any ca
se, do not mix them to much because can easy burn.
In mushrooms in add grinded hot and sweet paprika
season with salt and pepper and other spices to taste, add the bay leaf and to
mato juice,
cook about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, if it is too liquid add a teaspo
on cornstarch
This is for at least 2 large servings,so 30ml (2 tablespoons) oil is not to much

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