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Davon Mucker

Prof. Espelage
Univeristy 101
Fresh Fusion Report
25 August 14
Fresh fusion for Davon
Being the very first of five scholastic experiences, during the first week of classes, the
event (fresh fusion) was an occasion to gather and express many, if not all, the groups and clubs
available for the incoming student to join. Upon arrival the incoming student is shown a plethora
of options, a multitude of opportunities awaiting his (or her) pleasure. The event was an open
promise of community and self-expression amid an ocean of academia. Although I have never
officially attended any special event for any curricular objective, I was surprised to find that I did
not find the event entirely unenjoyable.
Immediately upon arrival to aforementioned event the students seen were offered their
choice of fresh pizza and/or cold soda. A welcome proposition to accompany the sweltering heat
that bombarded unprepared students from above. It wasnt far into the procession that the distinct
sound of crushed metal mingled with the unmistakable racket of riled up college boys in a
culmination that could only mean one thing: frat party. And the sight of four, half-naked,
screaming guys with hammers demolishing what appeared to be a perfectly good car surrounded
by a sea of wary onlookers. The party had officially begun.
After a curios glance at my environment my eyes were swimming in a wash of color and
movement. Multicolored signs offering everything from brotherhood to a boxing lessons were
lined around that peculiar pool the students have come to refer to as Loch Norse. Hundreds of
students milling about in a messy parade threatened to steal the show away from the stands, so
many different and interesting people gathered here either for the hope of a better future or
simply out of sheer boredom. What followed was an hour of harried conversations with various
club members and group leaders and, Ill admit, more than a few awkward questions about a few
of those curious tattoos that seem to jump off the inked skin of so many passersby.
However, I have to mention that the highlight of the event for me is, beyond any doubt,
the startling opportunity presented to me after an idle question toward a member of an
organization I later learned was a biology club: Hey, I said, is that a snake? Yes! The
woman replied. Her name is Rosie. Would you like to hold her? It was only after a moment of
surprised apprehension that I hastily agreed that yes, I would very much like to hold a snake.
And Rosie did not disappoint as her chilled scales writhed about my skin, forked tongue flicking
out at odd intervals to taste my skin. What better could I say of the event than: well I didnt
see that coming!

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