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As far as I could

I needed the armfield

I got it rightly
But gave it wrongly
TR Saponification
% Rxn Data Analysis
clc;clear;close all;
T = rxn(:,length(rxn(1,:)));
T(T==0) = [];
TK = T + 273;
Tav = mean(TK);
Tsd = std(TK);

%Problem with zeros


F0 = [5.8142 2.8893 .5493 1.1343 .8418 .2568 1.4268];

C0 = .00495;
V = 1000;
t = (1:2312)';


fX = @(cond,T)( (cond - 0.195.*(1+.01184.*(T-294)).*C0)./...

(.07.*(1+.0284.*(T-294)).*C0 - 0.195.*(1+.01184.*(T-294)).*C0));
fk = @(F0,X)( F0.*X./(V*C0^2.*(1-X.^2)));
for i = 1:7
cond(:,i) = rxn(:,i);
X(:,i) = fX(cond(:,i),Tav);
hold on

%conductivities uS/cm

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