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Bosnia Reading Questions

1. What religious tensions existed in Yugoslavia pre-and during World War II?
Ethnic cleansing which is when a killing of member of an unwanted religious group or ethnic in a
society. The Serbian military basically wanted get rid of the Bosnian population of Muslims. Serbs-
Middle Eastern Orthodox Christians, Croats- mainly Roman Catholic Christians, Muslims- found
throughout the area were affected.

2. Why was Tito important in Yugoslavia?
He was the leader of Yugoslavia from 1945 to 1980. And he was able to keep the country
together in one piece.

3. What were Milosevics goals in Yugoslavia?
To gain control of Serbia, and Serbian over all the other ethnic areas like Bosnia, Croatia and
Slovenia. He forced all non Serbs to flee or be killed.

4. Who did Serbian nationalists target in the Bosnian genocide?
The Serbian nationalist targeted Bosnian Muslims in the Bosnian genocide.

5. What happened in Srebrenica?
It was a massacre that killed at least 200,000 people and left over two million with nothing. And
left people defenseless and defeated

6. What does this incident suggestion about European leadership and the role of the UN?
The UN should help them out because threes a chance that this could happen again which they
dont know but it is possible. So they should step in and help them out because they would want help if
this happened to UN.

7. Who was responsible for eventual peace in Bosnia?
Bill Clinton was basically responsible for the peace in Bosnia because of the Dayton Accords.
Which lead to the arrest of Milosevic from the UN Security Council.

8. In your own words, describe ethnic cleansing
It is where someone kills innocent people or makes people flee from a country.

9. How did the map of Bosnia look after 1995?
Serbian has increased a lot of more; Croat looks like it is just about the same. And Muslim before
was more spread out and now it is closer together in one part of the map.

10. Describe 2 problems Bosnia is facing today.
They are still facing racial and political problems. And they are facing unemployment rate
leaving people with no jobs.

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