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Cities of Indus Valley

A. Indias first civilization emerged in the Indus river.
1.People flourished for 700 years
B. Houses had complex plumbing systems.
1. Baths
3.Water chutes
4.All lead to underground sewer
C. Indus people were farmers.
1.Cotton cloth
D. Cities fooded in 1700 BC
II. Kingdoms of the Ganges
A. Aryans
1. Spread into Northern India
2.Intermarried with residents
3.Made iron tools
4.Built wall cities
B. 500 BC New Indian Civilization Emerged
1.Consisted of rival kingdoms
2.Shared common culture
1.Social classes by occupation
4.Herders, farmers, artisans, and merchants
5.Farmworkers, servants, and laborers
6.Dalits- did jobs nobody wanted
7.Castes- social groups into which people were born and could not leave
III.Religious Beliefs
A.Polytheistic- belief in many gods
B.Broham- people moved toward notion of a single spiritual power
C. Mystics- individuals who devoted their lives to spiritual truth
IV. Geography
A.High Mountains
B. Deserts
C. Jungles
D.Pacific Ocean
V.The Shang and the Zhou Dynasties
A. 1650 BC Shang ruled Northern China
B.1027 BC the Zhou overthrew the Shang
C. Start of dynasty cycle
A.Chinese complex had beliefs
B.Prayed to many gods and nature spirits
C.Spirits= good fortune to families
VII.Science and technology
A.Chinese studied movement of planets, eclipses, and created an accurate calendar
B.Technology, bronze making, and silk making
C.Zhou and Chinese made the first books
D.256 BC Chinese was large, wealthy, and a highly developed center civilization

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