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Script for More 4 TV show

Hello and welcome to Talk Time on More 4, today we will be talking about the history of
animation, with special guest Lydia Dominguez. Animation, what do you associate when
you think of animation?
Clips of Wallace and gromit, morph and a flip book.
But where did this all start?
In the early 19 hundreds The Lumire brothers, French inventors and pioneer manufacturers
of photographic equipment who devised an early motion-picture camera and projector
called the Cinmatographe. Lumiere Brothers made a fantastic input into the moving image
industry. They came up with the short clip of workers leaving the lumeire factory This 46-
second movie was filmed in Lyon, France. This film was shown on 28 December 1895 at the
Grand Caf on the Boulevard des Capucines in Paris, along with nine other short movies.
Show clip of workers leaving the lumiere factory
Wow thats interesting, I guess for that time that little short clip would have been a big deal?
Yes, in fact because of that short motion clip, it influenced George Pal. Now George Pal was
a Hungarian born animator and film producer, he was most interested in the science fiction
genre than any other. His famous film was The war of the Worlds it was released in 1953,
and was adapted from the novel by H.G Wells.
Clip from the film.
Interesting, so that the early era of stop motion and animation, but who developed this
further then?
Lotte Reiniger was a German animator she is known for her work in The Adventures of
Prince Achmed in 1962. She is best recognised for her silhouette animations anticipating
Walt Disney by over ten years. She has made over 40 films in her career.
That is a lot of films! So was there anyone else at all that influenced the amazing animators

Yes in fact Jan vankmajer was a major part in the animation industry, he is known for being
a surrealist within animation. He started off at working with masks for theatre productions
and only just got into film in 1964. He then continued this for 20 years where he reached his
long held ambition of making a feature film by lewis Carolls Alice in Wonderlandin 1988.
In fact his work influenced the Quay Brothers.
Play in background
So who are the Quay brothers?
The quay brothers, Stephen and Timothy are American Identical twins, they are influential
stop animators. They are best known for their classic film Street of Crocodiles. This was 21
Minutes long. The Quay brothers are known for having quite obscure films, this is why they
are so well known.
Who else has been made recognisable for animations?
Animation is described as making an inanimate object move however there are many
different techniques of doing this. One technique is clay or plasticine, this can be hard to
manoeuvre so what animators tend to do is use an underwire so that when the move the
clay or plasticine it doesnt break easily. In this making of Wallace and Gromit a
production by Aardman animations we can see that all the models created by animators in
the frame have been positioned perfectly for facial expressions and gestures. Even the
slightest eyebrow movement. Animation is all about precision. Aardman animations was set
up in 1972 and is company famous for stop animations such as the shows shaun the sheep,
creature comforts chicken run and morph.
Show clip from Wallace and Gromit
Where is animation used then?
Animation is used in all different types of media, 2 of the most popular are tv advertisement
and cinema. In cinema, there are now full feature length animation movies, this is a huge
development on how it started. One of the most recent and popular movie is The Pirates by
Aardman animations. This film is 88minutes long and is a stop motion animation. This is
different to other animations because the time and effort gone in to making this is extreme
so every little detail is thought out precisely. Another form of animation used in media is Tv
advertisement, this can be an interesting and effective way of advertising, as it Is different
and fun. Here is an example.
John lewis advert.
Wow, thank you Lydia for that insight into the history of animation, I hope that the
audience at home have learnt a thing or two about animation.
Thank you see you next time.

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