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Name; Sarah Jane Supera Donguila

Critic teacher: Mr. Allan Morales

Assigned School: Mati Comprehensive National High School

SECTION: Grade VII Guerrero
DATE: July 30, 2014
TIME: 1:00 2:00 PM

Today is our first meeting with our new critic teacher and the new set of class that we will go
to observe. Grade VII Guerrero was tasked to form their own assemblage- an artwork made up
from used things. There were group 6 groups in the class. Each group shall collect different used
things from their surroundings such as leaves, bottles cup, straw, stone, flower, bamboo stick and
etc. Out of that collected things they will form their desired object. It was a really good experience
for us because they let us guide them on how they will go to deliver their explanations about their
On the other hand, my observation towards Sir Allan Morales was an approachable one.
Being approachable is a way in leveling yourself down to your student in order for them not to fell
hesitation when they needed your help as teacher, but not in a way that your letting your students
undercome you. For the students, they seemed motivated if their works were highly recognized.

SECTION: Grade VII- Guerrero
DATE: August 4, 2014
TIME: 1:00-2:00PM

Our second meeting in Grade VII- Guerrero. If last meeting they were tasked to make as
assemblage, today they were assigned to make color itching an artwork using different colors. In
making this kind of art, first, put atleast four colors diagonally then wipe it using a cotton as if you
finishing a cement. Afterwards put a color black wholly on that piece of paper, lastly itch your
desired object by using an empty pen or stick that has a sharp end. Some of the student made a
house and flowers.

SECTION: Grade VII- Silang
DATE: August 4, 2014
TIME: 2:00-3:00PM

Monday afternoon. It was our first meeting with this section. As we enter their room, some of
the students were fighting, singing, chitchatting, playing and above all their room was messy.
Anyways, as what section Guerrero did, they were also tasked to do color itching. When Mr.
Morales was instructing, some of the students were not paying attention thats why he scolded
them, but then again students were really hard-headed, so he just give the instruction to those who
were willing to listen. Afterwards he let us handle the class because he needs to go back to the
office for some matters, and I observed this section was really chaotic.

SECTION: Grade VII- Jacinto
DATE: August 4, 2014
TIME: 3:00-4:00PM

Around 3:00pm in the afternoon, we met Grade VII- Jacinto which was our first meeting. Mr.
Morales told them that their section was a bit late because they did not do the assemblage yet,
unlike to the other sections. So without much ado, he let them go outside to do their first task in
art. Just like the other sections, they did their own assemblage. Sir Morales took pictures of it as his
documentation. The students were so enjoy doing their artworks.

SECTION: Grade VII- Guerrero
DATE: August 18, 2014
TIME: 1:00-2:00pm

First periodical examination was almost done, thats why majority of the teachers were busy
on computing grades for the students specially Mr. Morales. So he asked us to take charged his
class on that afternoon. We went first at section Guerrero and discuss them about arnis. We let
them copy first the background about it, and then discussion follows. While students were
copying, they were also attentively listening to us. They asked question if they got confused and
answer us as ask some questions to them. We felt like a real teachers that time!

SECTION: Grade VII- Silang
DATE: August 18, 2014
TIME: 2:00-3:00pm

From section Guerrero, e went to the next class which is section Silang. As what we did from
the prior section, we let them copy and hen discussed it afterwards. Compared to section Guerrero
, this section was more interactive eventhough they were noisy, still they participate in the
discussion. Today, I observed that as a teacher you must not be focusing to those students who
were not listening to you because you will just got distributed and make you unable to impact your
knowledge well towards the other students who were attentively listening. Just give a short notice
or scold them a bit then resume the discussion.

SECTION: Grade VII- Jacinto
DATE: August 18, 2014
TIME: 3:00-4:00PM

Last class for this afternoon, Grade VII- Jacinto. We were not able to discuss the Arnis
because according to them they were not yet done in making color itching. So we just let them
copy the background of arnis then we check it afterwards.

SECTION: Grade VII- Guerrero, Jacinto and Silang
DATE: August 11. 2014
TIME: 1:00-4:00PM

We were not able to observe the classes 1pm to 4pm due to the activity held at DOSCST
Gym-Acrobatic Survivor-. We were just tasked to looked-out for the students while they were
watching the show since this activity is out of school premises.

SECTION: GradeVII- Guerrero
DATE: September 8,2014
TIME: 1:00-2;00pm

Section Guerrero was such an obedient class. You know why? It is because they were so
welcome and warm to us. As we enter their room, they automatically gathered and greeted us a
pleasant afternoon. Well, anyways, this afternoon they just discuss the next art that they will going
to do next meeting which is printmaking. Sir Morales let them copy about the Language art. The
students were quietly copying the said art.

SECTION: GradeVII-Silang
DATE: September 8, 201
TIME: 2:00-3:00PM

Section Silang was different from section Guerrero, the first mentioned section was not so
welcoming because they did not recognize us as their visitors, they just watch as we enter their
room and trashes were everywhere thats why Sir Morales command them to pick it up and greet
us. Well anyways, the same with section Guerrero Sir Morales also instructed them about their
next artwork. Today I learned that as a teacher you must be flexible enough to adjust with attitudes
of your students.

SECTION: Grade VII- Jacinto
DATE: September 8, 2014
TIME: 3:00-4:00pm

Sir Morales dismissed us early because they will have an activity at activity center about
Science Week.

Monday in the afternoon, Sir Morales tackled about Art specifically in print making. He
Instructed his students to bring some couns next meeting because they will gonna star the said
art activity. After the givin of insteuctions he discussed the background of that art, but as I
observed, his approach in distributing the fact sheets is not right. In Educational Technology 1
by Brenda corpuz, in laesson 10 which Demonstration in Teaching, when distributing your fact
sheet to the student it should be before the day of discussuion or after the discussion because if
you give it during the discussion, their is possiblity that the student wont listen to you
anymore because thaey were busy reading the information on the fact sheet.
DATE: September 15, 2014
TIME: 1:00 PM- 4:00 PM

Wednesday, section Guerrero, Silang and Jacinto were doing their art activity- the
print making. The cless seemed so good so far, Sir Morales were able to manage them, unlike
to their prior activities that he just letting his students do whatever they want. Now his
responding with their behaviour.

SECTION: Guerrero, Silang and Jacinto
DATE: September 17, 2014
TIME: 1:00 pm- 4:00 pm

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