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Criminal Justice CP Crime Statistics this document and its accompanying links can be found at It can be found on the page for Criminal Justice under todays date (10/3/14)
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1. What is the background behind the UCR?
Click on the link for National Incident-Based Reporting System
2. Where does the data for NIBRS come from?
3. According to the data, how does the number of Assault Offenses compare to the number of homicide offenses?
4. Which of the three bolded categories of crime listed was the most common? What was the most common
subcategory within this bolded category? What does this show about criminality in the United States?
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Click on the link for Hate Crime Statistics and then access the tables for Incidents and Offenses
5. What are three major categories for which hate crimes are tracked?
6. What does the tracking of hate crimes possible show about our society?
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7. Describe the methods of the National Crime Victimization Survey. How are these methods different from NIBRS?
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8. According to the data, what has happened to the crime rate over the past 20 years?
9. Compare the number of Violent Crime victimizations reported on the NCVS to the number of violent crime
victimizations reported on the NIBRS. How do these numbers compare?
10. What do you think the differences between the NCVS and NIBRS data show about crime in the United States?

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