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ne ||sn o|e
Do you know any poems abouI IisI?
Here are some drawings made by
WIen you IIink oI IisIes wIaI
sIapes come Io your mind?
Dccpundcr thc sco
Scc thc |ouc|qco|ourcd]tsh
Sutnntng pcocc]u||q
TIis speciaI poem in IIree
Iines is caIIed a Haiku. SucI
poems abouI naIure are
popuIar in Japan. Here is
anoIIer Haiku
Thc |okc. co|n. snooth. stt||
A ]tsh ]unps upond rcturns
Ptpp|cs shokc thc |okc
Movyofo CIoss I
Try Io use a square and a
IriangIe Io draw a IisI.
Look Ior IisI designs around you on cIoII, in painIings,
onmaIs, eIc.
'Meen' means a IisI and 'MeenaksIi' is a girI wIose
eyes Iook Iike a IisI. Can you IIink oI someone wIo Ias
sucI eyes?

Draw a Iace wiII'IisIeyes'.

FisIes can Iave very diIIerenI sizes. TIe smaIIesI IisI is abouI
1 cmIong. How Iong is IIe biggesI IisIyou canimagine? _______
How many Iimes Ionger is your big IisIIIanIIe smaIIesI IisI?
TIe biggesI IisI is IIe wbale sbark. II is acIuaIIy noI a wIaIe buI
is a big, big IisI. WIaIes are diIIerenI IromIisI. WIaIes breaIIe
Iike we do, IIrougI IIeir noses. DuI IisI Iave no noses and IIey
Iake in waIer, noI air. WIaIes give birII Io babies, buI IisI Iay
eggs. TIe wIaIe sIark IisI Iooks big and dangerous, buI is quiIe
IarmIess. II does noI aIIack Iumans.
One wIaIe sIark was as Iong as 18 m. JusI IIink Iow Iong IIaI
is aImosI 12 cIiIdren oI your size sIanding one on Iop oI IIe
oIIer! And guess wIaI iI weigIed? WeII, mucI, mucI more IIan
wIaI 12 oI you IogeIIer weigI! IIs weigII was abouI 16000 kg!

The Fish TuiI

AbouI Iow many kiIograms do you weigI? __________
So12cIiIdrenIike youpuI IogeIIer wiII weigIabouI _______ kg.
AbouI Iow mucI more does IIe wIaIe sIark weigI IIan 12
cIiIdren Iike you puI IogeIIer? __________
To see IIe diIIerence beIween wIaIes and IisI Iook careIuIIy aI
IIeir IaiIs. Canyou see IIaI IIe IisIIaiI sIands IIaI aIong iIs body,
buI IIe IaiI oI IIe wIaIe aImosI Iooks Iike Iwo Iegs. Can you spoI
IIe IisIinIIe picIure?

This is a thematic chapter which presents to children the world of fish and fish workers through
an integrated approach. Mathematical concepts, such as shapes, estimation, sense of large
numbers, simple operations, speed, loans, etc. are woven into real-life contexts to allow a
creative revision of some ideas learnt earlier.
"SchooIs" of Fish|
FisI Iike Io swim IogeIIer in IIe sea in big groups caIIed
''scIooIs" oI IisI. InIIeir scIooI IIey IeeI saIe IromIIe bigger IisI.
(Do you IeeI saIe inyour scIooI?)
To scare away IIe bigger IisI, some smaII IisI drink up a IoI oI
waIer, sweII up and Iook big!
Jincy used IIese sIapes Io make drawings oI IisI. Nowyou aIso
use some sIapes IodrawIIe diIIerenI seaanimaIs sIownbeIow.
Seo urchin
Ped snopper


Fishermen in their outs

WIicIoI IIese sea animaIs Iave you seenbeIore?
How many oI you Iave seen IIe sea? WIere did you see iI? Did
you see iI in a movie or Ior reaI? How deep do you IIink IIe sea
couId be? Find ouI.
Do you know Iow Io swim? WouId you be scared oI IIe IigI
sea waves?
Porrof fish
JeIIy fish
CuffIe fish
Imagine IIaI IIere are IisIermen in IIeir
boaIs, going up and down wiII IIe waves.
TIey sIarI IIeir Irip wIen iI is sIiII dark.
Some go on a simpIe boaI made IromIogs oI
wood Iied IogeIIer. II IIe sea is rougI, wiII
very IigI Iides and a sIrong wind, IIen
IIese IisIermenIave a very diIIicuII Iime.
TIese Iog boaIs do noI go very Iar.
II IIe wind is IeIpIuI, IIey IraveI
abouI 4 kminone Iour.
How Iong wiII IIey Iake Io go a
disIance oI 10 km?
Cuess Iow Iar you can go in
one Iour iI you waIk IasI.

CIose your eyes and imagine IIe sea wiIIwaves rising IigI.
How IigIdo you IIink IIe waves cango? __________
Log boof
Log boof
FisIermen can IeeI IIe wind
and Iook aI IIe sun Io Iind ouI
wIicI way Io go. Many oI us
wouId geI IosI and noI be abIe
Io Iind our way on IIe sea
wIere you onIy see waIer,
waIer, and noIIing eIse!
Ftnd out
Look aI IIe sunand Iind ouI IIe direcIion IromwIere iI rises.
Name Iwo IIings IIaI are Iying Io your wesI.
OuI on IIe sea, IisIermen Iook Ior a
pIace wIere IIey Iope Io Iind a good
caIcI oI IisI. TIere IIey spread
IIeir neIs. TIey wiII Iave Io waiI Ior
many Iours Ior IIe IisI Io come inIo
IIeir neIs.
Look aI IIe diIIerenI Iypes oI boaIs.
Some boaIs Iave moIors and go IurIIer inIo IIe sea. Since IIey
go Iar ouI IIey can caIcI more IisI. TIese boaIs IraveI IasIer, aI

Whut u Cutch|

Whof o Iong sword-fishl
Oor boof
IIe speed oI abouI 20 km in
one Iour.
How Iar wouId IIe moIor
boaIs go in IIree and a IaII
How mucI Iime wiII IIey
Iake Io go 85 km?

DuI IIe IisIermen are now very worried.

TIere are some very big macIine boaIs
(IrawIers) in IIe business. TIey go Iar
ouI and puI IIeir big neIs deep in IIe
sea. TIis way IIey coIIecI a wIoIe IoI oI
IisI, Ieaving very Iew near IIe sea
sIore. TIey aIso sIay ouI on IIe sea Ior
many days.
TIese big macIine boaIs aIso caIcI
IIe smaII baby IisI, wIicI Iave yeI Io
grow up. FisIermen in IIe smaIIer
boaIs aIways IeI IIe baby IisI pass
IIrougI IIeir neIs Io go back inIo IIe sea. TIey cIoose a neI
size in sucI a way IIaI onIy IIe grown up IisI are caugII.

f M
Long foiI boof

ochine boof (fro

For Iundreds oI years IisIermen Iave cared Ior IIe sea
and iIs IisIes, and IisIed onIy a IiIIIe Io eaI and seII.
TIey say IIaI iI IrawIers caIcI IIousands oI kiIograms
oI IisI everyday, IIere wiII be no IisI IeII in IIe sea!
WriIe a news reporI abouI
IIe dangers Iaced by IIe
IisIes in our rivers and
In one Irip IIe Iog boaI
brings abouI 20 kg oI IisI.
DuI oIIer Iypes oI boaIs
bring a bigger caIcI as
given in IIe IabIe. TIe IabIe aIso sIows IIe speed oI eacI Iype oI
boaI, wIicI is Iow Iar eacI boaI goes in one Iour. Look aI IIe
IabIe and caIcuIaIe
a) AbouI Iow mucI IisI in aII wiII eacI Iype oI boaI bring in
b) AbouI Iow Iar cana moIor boaI go insix Iours?
c) II a Iong IaiI boaI Ias Io IraveI 60 kmIow Iong wiII iI Iake?

Which out Sets How

Log boaI
Long IaiI boaI
MoIor boaI
MacIine boaI
Tqpc o] Loot Spccd o] thc Loot (hou ]or
tt gocs tn onc hour)
Cotch o] ]tsh tn
onc trtp (tn kg)
4 km per Iour
12 km per Iour
20 km per Iour
22 km per Iour
Some ig ig Numbers|
In IIe CIass IV MaII-Magic you Ieard oI IIe number
'lakb` wIicI is equaI Io a Iundred IIousand. You Iad
read IIaI IIere are abouI one IakI brick kiIns in our
counIry, wIere bricks are made.
WIaI oIIer IIings Iave you Ieard oI inIakIs?
WriIe IIe number one IIousand. NowwriIe one Iundred
IIousand. So Iowmany zeroes are IIere in IIe number
oneIakI? Easy, isn'I iI?
TIere are abouI Iwo IakI boaIs in our counIry. HaII oI
IIem are wiIIouI a moIor. WIaI is IIe number oI
boaIs wiIIa moIor? WriIe iI.
AbouI one IourII oI IIe boaIs wiII a moIor are big
macIine boaIs. How many IIousand macIine boaIs
are IIere? Come on, Iry Io do iI wiIIouI wriIing down.
We migII wonder abouI IIe number oI peopIe wIose
Iives are reIaIed Io IisI. In aII IIere are abouI one
Iundred IakI IisIworkers wIo caIcI IisI, cIean and

seII IIem, make and repair neIs
and boaIs, eIc. We aIso Iave a
name Ior IIis big number - 'one
bundred lakb` is caIIed a crore.
WIere Iave you Ieard oI a
crore? WIaI was IIe number
Try wriIing IIe number one
crore. Don'I geI IosI in aII IIe

The Fish Murket

Have you been Io a IisI markeI? II
you Iave IIen you migII know wIy
a very noisy pIace is someIimes
caIIed a 'IisImarkeI'!
TIis IisI markeI is busy Ioday.
Many boaIs Iave brougII a good caIcI. TIe IisIerwomen are
sIouIing ouI IIeir prices Io IIe buyers.
Mini ''Come Iere! Come Iere! Take sardines aI Rs 40 a kg''.
Cracy ''Never so cIeap! CeI sword-IisI
Ior Rs 60 a kg''.
FIoramma seIIs prawns Ior Rs 150 a kg.
KaruIIamma seIIs squid Ior Rs 50 a kg.
Look, FaziIa can IardIy carry IIis big
kingIisI! SIe says, ''TIis IisI weigIs
8 kg. I wiII seII IIe wIoIe Ior Rs 1200''.
1) AI wIaI price per kg did FaziIa seII
IIe kingIisI?
2) FIoramma Ias soId 10 kg prawns
Ioday. How mucI money did sIe
geI Ior IIaI?
3) Cracy soId 6 kg sword IisI. Mini
Ias earned as mucI money as
Cracy. How many kg oI sardines
did Mini seII?
Pructice Time
4) DasIeer Ias Rs 100. He
spends one-IourII oI IIe
money onsquidandanoIIer
a. How many kiIograms oI squid did Ie buy?
b. How many kiIograms oI prawns did Ie buy?
Trg sogtng thts ]ostI
Here is a Iongue IwisIer. RepeaI iI IasI!
Shc sc||s sco shc||s on thc scoshorc.
Shc ts surc thot thc shc||s thot shc sc||s
ut|| Lc thcrc no norc.
Women's 'Meenkur unk'

TIe meeIing oI IIe Meenkar Dank Ias jusI begun. FaziIa is IIe
presidenI. TwenIy IisIerwomen Iave made IIeir own bank. EacI
saves Rs 25 every monIIand puIs iI inIIe bank.
How mucImoney does IIe group coIIecI eacImonII?
How mucImoney wiII be coIIecIed inIenyears?
Procttce ttme
Cracy needs money Io buy a neI. JIansi and Ier sisIer wanI Io
buy a Iog boaI. So IIey Iake a Ioan Irom IIeir bank. TIey wiII
reIurniI wiIIinIeresI.
a) Cracy Iook a Ioan oI Rs 4000 Io buy a neI. SIe paid back
Rs 345 every monII Ior one year. How mucI money did sIe
pay back Io IIe Dank?
b) JIansi and Ier sisIer Iook a Ioan oI Rs 21,000 Io buy a Iog
boaI. TIey paid back a IoIaI oI Rs 23,520 in one year. How
mucIdid IIey pay back every monII?
EarIier women did noI go on IIe boaI Io IisI. DuI now JIansi and
some oIIers are going on IIe boaIs during IIe day. TIings are
cIanging now and IIeir Dank IeIps IIem. TIey Iave aIso goI a
speciaI bus Io Iake IIeir baskeIs IuII oI IisI.
Why Don't We Sturt u New Fish-drying Fuctory?
TIe women oI Meenkar Dank aIso wanI Io sIarI a IacIory Io dry
IisI. TIe PancIayaI Ias given IIemsome Iand Ior IIaI. Over IIe
years IIey Iave saved Rs 74,000. TIey Iind ouI Iow mucI IIey
wiII need Ior IIe IacIory.
FaziIa wriIes IIe IIings IIey need Io buy Io begin. See IIe IabIe
Ior IIe cosI oI eacI iIem and IIe number oI iIems IIey wanI Io
buy. Find IIe IoIaI cosI.
o] coch
NunLcr o]
Rs 3000
Rs 300
Rs 75
Rs 2000
Rs 1000
Dore weII Ior IresI waIer
Tray and kniIe
Damboo rack Ior IisI drying
CemenI Iank
ToIaI cosI Io seI up IIe IacIory = ____________
WIenIresI IisIis dried iI becomes 1/3 iIs weigII.
Inone monIIIIey pIanIo dry 6000 kg oI IresI IisI.
How mucIdried IisIwiII IIey geI ina monII? ____________
We dry 6 kg IresI IisIIo geI _____ kg dried IisI
For 6 kg IresI IisIwe Iave Io pay 6 __ = Rs 90
We wiII seII 2 kg dried IisIand geI 2 __ = Rs __
So iI we dry 6 kg IresI IisIwe wiII earn __ 90 = Rs __
DuI iI we dry 6000 kg we can earn Rs __ 1000
in one monII!
We buy IresI IisI Ior
We seII dried IisI Ior
Rs 15 per kg
Rs 70 per kg
FIoramma LeI us IirsI caIcuIaIe Ior 6 kg oI IresI IisI.
TIey are aII very Iappy wiII IIis pIan.
TIe group can make proIiIs and eacI
woman can geI a saIary Ior IIe work
sIe does.
JIansi I Iound IIaI Ior 6000 kg IisI
we wouId need 1500 kg saII every
monII! IIs price is Rs 2 per kg.
MonIIIy cosIs:
a) SaII 1500 2 = Rs ____
b) Packing and bus cIarges = Rs 3000
So IIe IoIaI monIIIy cosI oI drying and
seIIing IIe IisI = Rs ____
FaziIa TIaI sounds very good! Our
caIcuIaIions IeII us IIaI every monII
our Dank wiII earnRs 44,000!
CIeck Io see iI you aIso geI IIe
same answer.

Ftnd out
Songs sung by
IisIermen are
beauIiIuI. Find ouI
abouI IIe words and
Iunes oI sucI songs.

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