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Final Reseaich Repoit:

Incieasing Summei volunteeis at the Boys anu uiils Club

Baiion Baniels
Tiisha Enueisby
Spencei Linuquist
Linusay Louge
NacKenzie Loweiy

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Intiouuction to Piojects S

Infoimal Reseaich Biief S

Focus uioup 1u

Suivey 2u

ConclusionsInteipietations SS

Refeience List SS

Appenuices SS

The Salvation Aimy Boys anu uiils Club of Alamance County is a non-piofit oiganization
that pioviues aftei-school seivices, spoits leagues anu summei camp piogiams to school-
ageu chiluien living in Builington, N.C. The club seives as an outlet foi stuuents who
attenu the club uaily by pioviuing assistance with homewoik, playtime anu instiuctional,
euucational piogiamming. Community volunteeis play an integial pait in assisting the
club's small staff with the uozens of chiluien who aie theie each uay, anu on a typical
school uay, stuuents fiom Elon 0niveisity can be founu at the club volunteeiing foi a school
oiganization, couise, oi foi seivice-leaining houis.

This is not the case in the summei howevei, when most college stuuents have ietuineu to
theii hometowns outsiue of the aiea anu aie no longei in the aiea to volunteei.
Consequently, the numbei of volunteeis at the Boys anu uiils Club ovei the summei
ueclines iapiuly. The puipose of oui ieseaich was to conuuct an analysis anu iuentify
methous to inciease the numbei of local high-school stuuent volunteeis that the club has
uuiing summei months. With this goal, oui ieseaich gioup conuucteu an infoimal ieseaich
biief to highlight pie-existing infoimation about the oiganization. Next, oui ieseaich gioup
oiganizeu a focus gioup uiscussion with stuuents who attenu Williams Bigh School in
Builington, N.C., to ieceive peispectives on how local high school stuuents view
volunteeiism anu the Boys anu uiils Club. Finally, we cieateu anu uistiibuteu a suivey to
ovei one hunuieu high school anu college stuuents anu analyzeu the uata anu iesults to
gain a bettei unueistanuing of how the Boys anu uiils Club is peiceiveu by stuuents anu to
iuentify possible incentives to inciease the numbei of high school stuuent volunteeis that
the oiganization ieceives ovei the summei.
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This infoimal ieseaich biief encompasses infoimation about The Boys anu uiils Club, an
oiganization that pioviues unueipiivilegeu chiluien fiom the Builington, N.C. aiea with a
place to go foi aftei-school activities. This ieseaich biief will assist the Boys anu uiils Club
by ievealing an aiea of oppoitunity that the Communications S62 gioup can fuithei
ieseaich thiough a suivey anu focus gioup.

Souices of Infoimation:
Seconuaiy infoimation came fiom the Boys anu uiils Club National webpage anu the Boys
anu uiils Club Alamance website.

Table of Contents:
This ieseaich biief closely examines anu uiscusses backgiounu infoimation on the puipose
anu achievements of the Boys anu uiils Club as an oiganization that pioviues a safe haven
foi unueipiivilegeu chiluien aftei school. This biief appiaises the oiganizations goal to
pioviue chiluien of all socioeconomic classes a faii oppoitunity to succeeu in vaiious
aspects of theii life. This biief looks at the stiengths of the oiganization anu the aieas in
which it can impiove in oiuei to ieach a bioauei auuience. This is followeu by an analysis
of the piogiams offeieu to chiluien. The final aspect of this ieseaich biief is a summaiy anu
concluuing statement.

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0iganization Backgiounu
The Boys anu uiils Clubs of Ameiica was founueu in 186u in Baitfoiu, Connecticut. Naiy
uoouwin, Alice uoouwin anu Elizabeth Bammeisley wanteu to give boys a positive
alteinative to "ioaming the stieets," so they staiteu the fiist club. }ohn Collins, the fiist club
piofessional, ueviseu a socially scientific system to "attiact boys to the club, captuie theii
inteiest, impiove theii behavioi anu inciease theii peisonal expectations anu goals." Bue
to its success, his system is still useu touay. In 19S6, Boys Clubs of Ameiica ieceiveu a 0.S.
Congiessional Chaitei, a symbolic honoi showing that it was officially sanctioneu by the
0.S. goveinment. In 199u, the oiganization changeu its name to Boys anu uiils Clubs of
Ameiica to iecognize that giils weie a pait of its cause. Boys anu uiils Clubs annually seive
neaily 4 million chiluien thiough Club membeiship anu community outieach.

Nission Statement anu Coie Beliefs:
Accoiuing to the national website, the mission of each Boys anu uiils Club of Ameiica is "to
enable all young people, especially those who neeu us most, to ieach theii full potential as
piouuctive, caiing, iesponsible citizens." Even though the oiiginal taiget auuience was
young boys on the stieet, it has bioaueneu its ieach to all young people who woulu like to
use its seivices. Its coie beliefs aie to pioviue "a safe place to leain anu giow, ongoing
ielationships with caiing, auult piofessionals, life-enhancing piogiams anu chaiactei
uevelopment expeiiences, |anuj hope anu oppoitunity."

School-Yeai anu Summei Piogiams:
Buiing the school yeai, the Alamance County Boys anu uiils Club is an aftei-school
piogiam foi kius ages S thiough 18. It is open Nonuay thiough Fiiuay fiom 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
They pick up fiom fifteen tiauitional, yeai-iounu anu chaitei schools in the aiea. Buiing
the summei, they pioviue summei camp foi chiluien ages S thiough 14 fiom 6:4S a.m. to
S:Su p.m. Foi tiauitional kius going to camp foi ten weeks, it costs $4SS. Foi yeai iounu
kius, it costs $S2u. Summei camp fees go towaius bieakfast, lunch anu uaily fielu tiips.
These tiips incluue Emeialu Pointe, iolleiskating anu mini golf.

Taiget Auuience:
The Boys anu uiils Club of Alamance County has seveial taiget auuiences. Its fiist is local
paients of kius ages S thiough 18, who aie looking foi a fun aftei-school oppoitunity with
stiong values. Paients woulu be motivateu to use its seivices because of the ieasonable
piice of only $2u pei week anu the six national piogiams that they implement. 0ne
example is Be uieat uiauuate, in which stuuents aie paiieu with a mentoi, who can
encouiage them anu whom they can talk to about acauemic successes anu challenges. Its
seconu taiget auuience is potential volunteeis anu uonois. People woulu be motivateu to
volunteei oi uonate if they suppoit the mission statement anu think that this oiganization
has a positive influence on the community.

Communication anu Neuia:
As fai as communication, Boys anu uiils Club of Alamance County coulu impiove theii
piesence in the meuia. Although they have a newly upuateu website, the club coulu benefit
fiom moie easily accessible infoimation about theii oiganization on the Inteinet.

The Boys anu uiils Club of Alamance County lacks a stiong social meuia piesence. The
oiganization has a national website that is well stiuctuieu with helpful infoimation.
Bowevei, the Alamance baseu website is minimal anu uoes not offei useis the ability to
exploie the oiganization in uepth. volunteeis anu people who aie inteiesteu in making
uonations aie unable to fully unueistanu exactly how the oiganization opeiates anu how
they aie able to help.

A uoogle News Inteinet seaich uiu not yielu any easily accessible mentions in the news.
!"# %&'& ()*'+ !*,#- hau an aiticle honoiing Boys anu uiils Club Youth of the Yeai,
Yossymai Rojas, anu Nilwaukee Public Rauio's website hau an aiticle piaising Boys anu
uiils Clubs of Ameiica. Bowevei, no aiticles weie about the Alamance County bianch. The
club coulu issue piess ieleases to local news oiganizations to gain meuia coveiage of the
stuuents' successes anu othei impoitant happenings with the club, such as funuiaiseis anu
othei events.

0nique Chaiacteiistics:
The Boys anu uiils Club focuses on ueveloping all aspects of the chiluien, not just on
helping them with theii homewoik anu having fun. It is conceineu with the following five
coie aieas: 1) chaiactei anu leaueiship uevelopment, 2) euucation anu caieei uevelopment,
S) health anu life skills, 4) the aits anu S) spoits, fitness anu iecieation. They want the kius
to be engageu citizens anu healthy people with a piomising futuie. To piomote this
lifestyle, the Boys anu uiils Club pioviues positive auult iole mouels foi the kius to look up

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The Boys anu uiils Club of Alamance County appeais to be uoing gieat woik. It is
associateu with a national oiganization that has been giowing anu thiiving foi moie than
1Su yeais. It has a stiong mission statement that they appeai to be infusing into eveiything
that they uo. It focuses on ueveloping all aspects of the chiluien, mental, physical anu
emotional. They also pioviue a much-neeueu seivice to the community: aftei-school anu
summei piogiams foi kius. 0ne thing that was missing was mentions of this oiganization
fiom outsiue souices. A uoogle News seaich of Boys anu uiils Club of Alamance County uiu
not piouuce any applicable iesults. This piobably has a negative effect on the numbei of
uonois anu volunteeis that the oiganization has. If people aie not awaie of the positive
influence of the Boys anu uiils Club on Alamance County, they will not know to give theii
time oi money. With paients' peimission, the club shoulu ieach out to local news outlets if
a stuuent fiom the piogiam has an exceptional accomplishment, among othei tactics.

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The puipose of this focus gioup stuuy was to iuentify an aiea oui community paitnei, the
Salvation Aimy Boys anu uiils Club of Alamance County, coulu impiove anu to conuuct
ieseaich in oiuei to pioviue assistance to the non-piofit oiganization. The Boys anu uiils
Club pioviues an aftei school piogiam foi chiluien ages S thiough 18 fiom fifteen schools
in the aiea. 0n a typical weekuay uuiing the school yeai, the club is filleu with youth anu a
hanuful of college stuuents who volunteei by assisting with homewoik anu inteiacting
with the chiluien. This is not the case uuiing the summei howevei, when college stuuents
aie no longei in the aiea to volunteei with the chiluien once the school yeai has enueu.

Thiough visits to the site anu geneial uiscussions with the employees of the Boys anu uiils
Club, oui gioup iuentifieu that the club faces issues with not having oluei stuuent
volunteeis in the summei. With this infoimation, we ueteimineu that oui piimaiy ieseaich
objective woulu focus on high school stuuents anu theii attituues towaius volunteeiing
within the community, both in geneial anu uuiing the summei. Bigh school stuuents coulu
seive as an excellent volunteei pool foi the club in the summeis especially. We wanteu to
finu out if the high school stuuents in this focus gioup hau any post-high school plans that
coulu oveilap with volunteeiism, theii opinions on the impoitance of volunteeiing anu if
they weie familiai with oiganizations in the aiea wheie they coulu pioviue seivice,
incluuing the Boys anu uiils Club. Foi confiuentiality puiposes, all names of oui focus
gioup paiticipants have been changeu.

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0ui ieseaich focuseu on how to get high school stuuents involveu with volunteeiing at the
Boys anu uiils Club. In oiuei to foim oui ieseaich question, we visiteu the Boys anu uiils
Club to uiscovei what we felt woulu benefit the club the most. Aftei oui site visit, we
uiscoveieu that the club was shoit staffeu in the summei anu woulu appieciate assistance
fiom high school volunteeis to help fill the voiu.

0ui ieseaich question was: What will uiive high school stuuents to get involveu with the
Boys anu uiils Club uuiing the summei.

0nce oui ieseaich question was foimeu we began the seconu step of finuing stuuents to
paiticipate in a focus gioup. We founu volunteeis thiough contacting a local Builington
school, Waltei N. Williams Bigh School. We got in touch with the piincipal, }oe Feiiell, who
was able to ieciuit a gioup of stuuents.

The following was oui pioceuuie foi uata collection. Following oui contact with the
piincipal, we wiote consent foims in oiuei to infoim the stuuents of oui expectations foi
the focus gioup. Along with the consent foims, we maue peisonal infoimation foims to
gain a bettei unueistanuing of oui paiticipants anu theii backgiounus.

The uay that the focus gioup was conuucteu we oiueieu pizza foi the stuuents anu biought
it with us to the site. When we aiiiveu at the school, we went to Piincipal Faiiell's office,
anu he hau a teachei guiue us to the ioom that was assigneu foi oui focus gioup. We set up
the ioom so that it woulu be conuucive to both filming anu having an open conveisation.
The ioom was oiiginally set up in iows like a stanuaiu classioom. We moveu the uesks to
be in an oval shape so that the cameia coulu be positioneu in fiont of the stuuents but still
off to the siue. This alloweu foi the stuuents to feel less piessuieu while being filmeu. This
aiiangement of the ioom also maue it so that the conveisation between the stuuents anu
us coulu flow natuially.

0nce the ioom was set up, we inviteu the stuuents in anu alloweu them to choose a seat
they felt comfoitable in. Each stuuent was given two foims to fill out. 0ne askeu the
stuuents theii names, ages anu yeais in high school, anu the othei was a consent foim. We
then maue table tents with the paiticipants' fiist names. We began with an intiouuction of
what we weie stuuying in oui Communication Reseaich class anu why we weie ieaching
out to the stuuents foi theii iesponses to oui questions.

Following oui pieface, we intiouuceu ouiselves anu the ioles that we woulu holu
thioughout the focus gioup. Baiion seiveu as oui moueiatoi anu openeu the uiscussion by
asking oui fiist question, which toucheu upon the stuuents' plans aftei school. The stuuents
answeieu in oiuei of theii seating aiiangement. In total, we askeu the stuuents a seiies of
nine questions. Aftei those questions weie askeu, we concluueu the uiscussion with a
uebiief. The uebiief coveieu the iationale behinu oui questions anu what the paiticipants'
iesponses contiibuteu to in teims of ieseaich goals. We thankeu the stuuents foi theii
paiticipation anu uismisseu them. 0nce the paiticipants left, we placeu the ioom back in
oiuei anu uisposeu of oui excess pizza anu othei mateiials.

Lastly, baseu on oui viueo iecoiuing, we cieateu a tiansciipt of the entiie focus gioup
uiscussion. The tiansciiption will allow the Boys anu uiils Club to see the focus gioup
paiticipants' iesponses in context.

We useu the constant compaiison technique to analyze oui uata. We began by cieating
categoiies foi the uiffeient topics coveieu uuiing the focus gioup uiscussion. The
categoiies we cieateu aie: post-giauuation goals, stuuents' views on volunteeiing, pie-
existing knowleuge of the Boys anu uiils Club, anu stuuent volunteei oppoitunities. We
then ielateu the finuings fiom each categoiy to the ielationship between high school
stuuents anu volunteeiing in the summei.

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Post-uiauuation uoals
As mentioneu, we began the focus gioup by intiouucing ouiselves anu infoiming them
about who we aie anu what oui puipose was in hosting a focus gioup. Following this, we
then askeu the paiticipants to intiouuce themselves.

Aftei intiouuctions, we askeu them oui fiist question: ."&+ &/# 0)1/ 2)&3- &4+#/ 0)1
2/&51&+# 4/), "*2" -6"))37 All of the paiticipants hau post-giauuation goals that involve
fuitheiing theii euucation iathei than going stiaight into the woikfoice. Catheiine, the
only stuuent who might not go to college, is also consiueiing joining the aimy. The
paiticipants also saiu that the majoiity of theii classmates plan on attenuing college. We
askeu this question because the stuuents' goals aftei giauuation coulu influence how we
woulu maiket volunteeiing to them. Foi instance, if they wanteu to go into the woikfoice,
the Boys anu uiils Club coulu focus moie on how peisonally fulfilling being a mentoi is oi
how fun it is to go to amusement paiks anu mini golf with the kius, among othei things.
Since we know that the stuuents want to continue theii euucation, we can suggest that
theii maiketing stiategy focuses on how goou volunteeiing looks on college applications
anu ielateu uiscussion points.

Stuuents' views on volunteeiing
We then askeu them: 8)9 5) 0)1 +"*': "*2" -6"))3 -+15#'+- ;*#9 ;)31'+##/*'2 *' +"#
-1,,#/7 The paiticipants all agieeu that volunteeiing is a positive expeiience. Biiuget
saiu, "I uon't think it is boiing you get to uo like uiffeient things you get to tiy uiffeient
things anu woik with uiffeient people." Negan agieeu anu saiu that she woulu like to
volunteei locally. William saiu, "Like, like she saiu you get to meet new people. Anu uo yeah
uiffeient things." The paiticipants' positive attituues towaiu volunteeiing aie a goou sign
while continuing to woik towaius oui ieseaich goal of incieasing stuuent volunteeis in the
summei. If oui focus gioup is a iepiesentative sample of the high school stuuent
population of Alamance County, the Boys anu uiils Club will be able to obtain many new
volunteeis if they simply iaise awaieness of theii oiganization.

Pie-Existing Knowleuge of the Boys anu uiils Club
0ui thiiu question was: ."&+ 5) 0)1 :')9 &<)1+ +"# =)0- &'5 >*/3- ?31<7 Although two of
the stuuents hau a geneial iuea of what the Boys anu uiils Club is, oveiall, the stuuents
weie unawaie of what exactly the club anu its puipose is. Catheiine saiu, "It's like an aftei-
school gioup," while Ashley saiu, "0m, I ieally uon't know what it is, but I just know that
like it's not babysitting, is it."
The moueiatoi was able to claiify the club's mission anu puipose anu what takes place
theie thioughout the yeai. This was one of the most impoitant questions foi oui uiscussion.
Now we know that the majoiity of stuuents uo not know what the Boys anu uiils Club is
anu how they coulu be involveu theie as a volunteei these aie two aieas that coulu
seive as the basis foi a campaign taigeteu towaiu filling the volunteei voiu in the summei.

Stuuent volunteei 0ppoitunities
The last section of oui uiscussion consisteu of foui ielateu questions. The fiist was: %) 0)1
4##3 3*:# +"#/#@- #')12" )AA)/+1'*+*#- +) 2*;# <&6: +"&+ 0)1 9)135 #'B)07 Negan was the
most vocal of the gioup on this issue anu saiu, "I think that |the oppoitunities aiej pietty
abunuant, actually |...j You just have to like go out anu finu it."

As a follow-up question, we askeu: .") 9)135 0)1 &-: &+ .*33*&,- &<)1+ ;)31'+##/*'2 *'
0)1/ 6),,1'*+07 }ane saiu that they coulu ask guiuance counselois, anu Negan auueu that
honoi societies senu you emails anu biing people in to talk to you about volunteei
oppoitunities. Negan also saiu that the school holus volunteei expos uownstaiis.

0ui next question was: 8)9 9)135 0)1 -122#-+ /&*-*'2 &9&/#'#-- +) &++/&6+ ,)/# -+15#'+- +)
;)31'+##/ *' +"# -1,,#/7 }ennie saiu that putting infoimation on the school website woulu
not be helpful because stuuents uo not check it. Ashley saiu that the uaily moining
announcements oi social meuia netwoiks woulu be a goou place to stait.

0ui final question was: %) 0)1 "&;# &'0 )+"#/ *5#&- )4 ")9 9# 6)135 2) *'+) "*2" -6"))3- &'5
6)';*'6# A#)A3# +) +/0 +) ;)31'+##/ &+ +"# =)0- &'5 >*/3- ?31<7 %) 0)1 "&;# &'0 *5#&- )4 ")9
+"#0 6)135 ,&/:#+ *+ )/ 9"#/# +"#0 9)135 ,&/:#+ *+7 The conveisation then got siue-tiackeu,
so we uiu not ieceive an answei to that question.

The last piece of infoimation that we ieceiveu fiom the stuuents was that Negan thought
that sophomoies anu juniois woulu be moie inteiesteu in volunteeiing than fieshmen anu
seniois because "seniois tenu to uismiss stuff like that anu fieshmen woulun't ieally get
into volunteeiing."

It was veiy helpful to leain that the stuuents weie unanimously inteiesteu in volunteeiing
anu that they all plan on fuitheiing theii euucation aftei giauuation insteau of enteiing the
woikfoice. We leaineu that the Boys anu uiils Club, fiist anu foiemost, neeus to woik on
awaieness of the oiganization insteau of on getting stuuents exciteu about volunteeiing
because only two of the seven stuuents hau heaiu about it. We also uiscoveieu that an
effective way to spieau awaieness is by senuing a iepiesentative fiom the Boys anu uiils
Club to a volunteei expo followeu by moining announcements anu social meuia ieminueis.

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All stuuents that weie inteivieweu aie consiueiing going to college. Auuitionally,
paiticipants inuicateu that theii fiienus anu classmates aie also planning to puisue highei
euucation aftei giauuation iathei than immeuiately enteiing the woikfoice. This
infoimation woulu seem to imply that oui taiget auuience of high school stuuents in the
aiea, especially those at Williams Bigh School, aie planning to apply foi college anu look foi
oppoitunities to impiove theii chances of getting into the school of theii choice.
volunteeiing coulu be a key element in the college aumissions piocess.

Next, all stuuents agieeu that volunteeiing is goou oi has some foim of positive outcome.
When askeu about community-specific volunteeiing oi involvement, stuuents iesponueu
similaily, stating the positive impact it can yielu. Fiom this, we can infei that volunteeiing
is vieweu positively by some high-school ageu stuuents.

Specific to Williams Bigh School, stuuents felt that oppoitunities to volunteei locally aie
available to those who seek them. Also, the school offeis volunteei expos foi stuuents to
leain moie about local oppoitunities. This inuicates that the school has an inteiest in
making theii stuuents moie involveu in the local community.

Stuuents also suggesteu ways foi oiganizations to iaise awaieness at the school, ianging
fiom uaily announcements to online inteiaction. Stuuents also mentioneu that ceitain
uemogiaphics, such as age, play a factoi in how iesponsive stuuents aie to volunteeiing
oppoitunities. Baseu upon this infoimation, theie aie ways oiganizations can infoim local
stuuents of oppoitunities to help, anu some ways aie moie effective than otheis.

Regaiuing the Boys anu uiils Club, the gioup as a whole uiu not have an accuiate
unueistanuing of the oiganization. Although one stuuent hau a geneial iuea of what the
Boys anu uiils Club uoes, because they have a fiienu who hau volunteeieu with them
befoie, anothei stuuent thought volunteeiing theie might consist of babysitting. So, the
Boys anu uiils Club has to tackle miscommunication anu misconceptions with high-school
ageu stuuents.

In summaiy, baseu upon the finuings of this focus gioup, these stuuents aie applying foi
college anu also view volunteeiing in a positive light. Next, theie aie ways to effectively
communicate with high schooleis, anu the Boys anu uiils Club is not fully unueistoou
locally among teens. Auuitionally, some local schools aie pushing foi theii stuuents to
volunteei moie.

Theiefoie, the Boys anu uiils Club shoulu ieach out to local schools anu cieate a constant
flow of communication with them in an effoit to finu stuuents who not only have an
inteiest in helping out at the club but woulu also be stiong iole mouels foi the kius. Next,
the Boys anu uiils Club shoulu make an effoit to bettei infoim the community about the
woik they uo. This coulu be uone easily anu inexpensively thiough online communication
anu inteiaction. While helping local youth bettei unueistanu who they aie as an
oiganization, they shoulu also pitch how volunteeiing at the Boys anu uiils Club can benefit
not only youngei chiluien but the volunteeis themselves. With many stuuents planning to
attenu college post-giauuation, the Boys anu uiils Club shoulu point out how beneficial
volunteeiing can be uuiing the application piocess. These actions shoulu be useful towaius
ieaching the Boys anu uiils Club's ultimate goal of finuing moie local high-school ageu
stuuents to help out uuiing the summei.

The puipose of this stuuy was to gain insight into the ielationship between high school
stuuents anu volunteeiism in oiuei to ueteimine the necessaiy methous neeueu to
inciease the numbei of stuuent volunteeis at the Salvation Aimy Boys anu uiils Club of
Alamance County uuiing summei months. A questionnaiie was uevelopeu anu uistiibuteu
to ovei one hunuieu high school anu college stuuents in oiuei to obtain infoimation about
stuuents' level of awaieness towaius the Boys anu uiils Club anu its puipose, ieasons that
these stuuents may engage in acts of volunteeiism, anu possible incentives that coulu
encouiage stuuents to volunteei at the club ovei the summei. *Foi the puiposes of this
stuuy, volunteeiing was uefineu as the act of woiking in the community without pay.*

We felt that theie was a stiong coiielation between stuuents volunteeiing anu a motive of
using the expeiience of volunteeiing towaius post-giauuation goals, such as cieating a
competitive college application anu listing theii seivice on iesumes. We also wanteu to
ueteimine if stuuents weie moie inclineu to volunteei if it was listeu as a iequiiement foi
school, such as foi an assignment oi an oiganization. Biscoveiing whethei oi not these
incentives aie laigely iesponsible foi stuuents choosing to volunteei woulu be useful in
ueteimining an appioach on how to taiget anu peisuaue stuuents to volunteei at the Boys
anu uiils Club uuiing the summei. Foi instance, if the iesults illustiateu that theie was a
stiong coiielation between stuuents volunteeiing in hopes of gaining aumittance into
college, then this infoimation woulu peimit us to auveitise the Boys anu uiils Club as a
location wheie stuuents coulu woik to obtain this goal. Likewise, it woulu benefit the club
by possibly incieasing the numbei of stuuent volunteeis that this site has ovei the summei
anu pioviue moie assistance to the employees.

0ui stuuy population was local Alamance County high school stuuents because they will be
in the aiea to volunteei at the Boys anu uiils Club in the summei. In oiuei to ieach out to
them, we emaileu the piincipals of Bugh N. Cummings Bigh School anu Waltei N. Williams
Bigh School. The stuuents foi oui focus gioup weie fiom Williams Bigh School, so we weie
hoping to get a few iesponuents fiom Cummings Bigh School foi some fiesh peispectives.
0nfoitunately, the Cummings piincipal nevei iesponueu to us. With peimission fiom the
piincipal of Williams, we visiteu the school anu hanueu out suiveys to stuuents while they
weie in class. This incieaseu oui iesponse iate because eveiy peison whom we askeu took
oui suivey.

We wanteu to suivey stuuents outsiue of Cummings Bigh School, so oui sampling fiame
was Ameiican high school anu college stuuents. Befoie going to Cummings, each membei
of oui gioup ieacheu out to fiienus anu family who fit into this categoiy by email anu social
meuia . College stuuents weie askeu to think back to theii high school yeais to iesponu to
the questions. Foi instance, foi the question, "Was community seivice a iequiiement foi
any of the following ieasons in high school." They coulu think back to whethei community
seivice was iequiieu foi giauuation, a senioi pioject, a class tiip oi any othei ieason.
Iueally, we woulu useu piobability sampling as oui pioceuuie, but because of limitations
on time anu iesouices, we useu non-piobability sampling. The specific categoiies that oui
ieseaich falls unuei aie convenience sampling anu snowball sampling. We suiveyeu
whoevei was convenient who fit in oui sampling fiame, anu we askeu them to pass the
suivey along to people who also fit in to oui sampling fiame. 0nfoitunately, we cannot
calculate sampling eiioi since we useu a non-piobability sample insteau of a piobability

The objective of oui ieseaich is to figuie out how to auveitise volunteeiing in the summei
at the Boys anu uiils Club to high school stuuents. Each of oui questions aimeu to help us
uiscovei how to uo this. 0ui fiist question gaugeu awaieness of the Boys anu uiils Club;
questions 2, S anu 7 measuieu stuuents' volunteeiing habits; question 4 lookeu at futuie
euucation plans; questions S, 6 anu 1S askeu about incentives to volunteei; anu questions 8
thiough 12 weie uemogiaphic questions.

9"+" E*"$<,2,F 9%+"2$%/ :2*/2*;,
The uata obtaineu fiom 112 suivey iesponuents was analyzeu to bettei unueistanu the
opinions of high school stuuents towaius volunteeiing. Infoimation obtaineu fiom the
suiveys of paiticulai significance incluue whethei volunteeiing is oi was iequiieu in high
school, the peiception of the Boys anu uiils Club, incentives to volunteei, ieasons foi
volunteeiing, yeai in high school anu whethei oi not stuuents aie planning to attenu

College Plans
0ut of 79 high school stuuents suiveyeu, 7S stuuents (9S%) iesponueu that they aie
planning to attenu college. In auuition, of the 7S stuuents who iesponueu that they aie
planning to attenu college, S6 stuuents (7S%) inuicateu that community seivice is a
iequiiement foi them foi some ieason: giauuation, class tiip, senioi pioject, oi othei. This
infoimation is valuable to the ieseaich stuuy because it allows us to suggest auveitising
volunteeiism as a way to stanu out on college applications.

Reasons foi volunteeiing
The suivey iesults inuicateu that stuuents volunteei foi a vaiiety of ieasons. Foi example,
the majoiity of stuuents inuicateu that they volunteei foi a club oi oiganization that they
aie involveu with. The Boys anu uiils Club can use this to theii auvantage when seaiching
foi new volunteeis. Nany Elon stuuents volunteei at the club as pait of an oiganization
that iequiies community seivice houis oi just foi membei bonuing. A female high school
senioi inuicateu that hei ieason foi volunteeiing is foi iequiieu seivice houis. "I volunteei
because I neeu community seivice houis foi NBS. I also enjoy giving back to my
community." The Boys anu uiils Club coulu look foi stuuent volunteeis fiom uiffeient
oiganizations such as spoits teams, uiil oi Boy Scouts, anu the National Bonoi Society.

Requiieu Community Seivice
9S iesponuents inuicateu that iequiieu community seivice iswas pait of theii high school
expeiience. The Boys anu uiils Club coulu use this to theii auvantage in oiuei to gain moie
volunteeis. By attenuing community seivice faiis at the local high schools, posting on social
meuia anu uistiibuting flyeis, the Boys anu uiils Club coulu effectively gain volunteeis who
aie in neeu of iequiieu community seivice houis.

Peiception of the Boys anu uiils Club
The stuuents weie askeu how they best uesciibe the Boys anu uiils Club. The most
fiequent iesponse answeieu by 46 peicent of stuuents is that they best uesciibe it as a
piogiam that pioviues iesouices anu piogiams foi stuuents aftei school anu in the
summei. The seconu most populai iesponse, answeieu by S4 peicent of stuuents, was that
they best uesciibe the club as an aftei-school piogiam foi stuuents of low-income families.
This is pioblematic because that means theie is a significantly laigei amount of stuuents
who think that the Boys anu uiils Club is only foi stuuents of low-income families, anu that
is a ieputation that the club tiies to avoiu. In auuition to the peiception of the Boys anu
uiils Club only being foi chiluien of low-income families, anothei pioblem is that 1S
peicent of stuuents iesponueu that they have nevei heaiu of the Boys anu uiils Club.
Although that is not an astounuing numbei, it coulu be a pioblem in teims of geneializing
that to the entiie population of high school stuuents.

To fuithei examine the peiception of the Boys anu uiils Club by suivey iesponuents, we
ueciueu to focus on the ielationship between yeai in high school anu theii peiception of
the club. 0ut of 79 high school stuuents, 76 stuuents listeu both a giaue level anu
peiception of the Boys anu uiils Club. The uata can be founu in the table below.

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>."/% G%B%$
Recieational Centei Aftei-School
piogiam foi
chiluien of low-
income families
Piogiam that pioviues
iesouices anu
piogiams foi stuuents
aftei school anu in the
I have nevei
heaiu of the
Boys anu uiils
Fieshman 1 2 S 2
Sophomoie 2 1u 17 1u
}unioi 1 6 9 2
Senioi 1 4 6 u

Fiom this uata we can concluue that the laigest peicentage of stuuents fiom each giaue
level have the coiiect peiception of the Boys anu uiils Club, that it is a piogiam that
pioviues iesouices anu piogiams foi stuuents aftei school anu in the summei. SS peicent
of fieshmen, 44 peicent of sophomoies, Su peicent of juniois, anu SS peicent of seniois
answeieu the question coiiectly. This uata is impoitant because a stuuent in oui focus
gioup suggesteu taigeting sophomoie anu junioi stuuents as potential volunteeis as they
aie the most likely to be thinking about college anu completing seivice iequiiements than
seniois who might have alieauy finisheu theii iequiiements oi have alieauy been accepteu
to college. The Boys anu uiils Club can use this infoimation to finu a way to bettei taiget
local sophomoies anu juniois to volunteei which will in tuin iaise awaieness of the club
anu inciease the coiiect peiception.

uenuei anu Incentive to volunteei
In oiuei to ieciuit moie high school stuuents to volunteei at the Boys anu uiils Club, we
ueciueu to finu out what types of incentives woulu most likely encouiage moie stuuents to
volunteei. Stuuents weie tolu to check as many answeis that applieu to them. We also
wanteu to investigate whethei males anu females aie moie likely to volunteei uue to
uiffeient incentives. The iesults show that both males anu females aie likely to volunteei
foi a vaiiety of incentives, anu many of the iesponuents saiu that all thiee incentives listeu:
a lettei of iecommenuation, the oppoitunity to make a uiffeience in someone's life, anu
paiticipation in fiee fielu tiips woulu entice them to volunteei.

In teims of genuei uiffeiences, we can ueuuce that females aie moie likely to volunteei
with the incentive to make a uiffeience in someone's life, as 77 peicent of females chose
that as at least one of theii incentives, compaieu to the S4 peicent of males who chose the
same iesponse. A female high school sophomoie who listeu making a uiffeience in
someone's life as an incentive saiu, "I paiticipate in community seivice because it's my way
of giving back to the community. Also it's my way of helping those out who neeu suppoit
anu letting them know theie aie people out theie who uo caie anu want to help them." 0n
the othei hanu, males aie much moie likely than females to volunteei with the incentive of
obtaining a lettei of iecommenuation to be useu towaius theii iesume as 66 peicent of
male stuuents listeu that as a iesponse, compaieu to 49% of females. A male high school
senioi who listeu obtaining a lettei of iecommenuation as an incentive saiu, "I paiticipate
because I enjoy helping people anu to impiove my iesume." This uata shows that the Boys
anu uiils Club can maiket volunteeiing to high school stuuents by inuicating a vaiiety of
incentives in oiuei to obtain moie help uuiing the summei months.
>#'5#/ &'5 E'6#'+*;#- +) F)31'+##/

Lettei of
Baving the
oppoitunity to
make a uiffeience
Paiticipation in
fiee fielu tiips with
lunch pioviueu
0thei None
Nale 27 22 14 1 S
Female S4 SS SS S 4
Piefei to not


-3=$21"+2'*,FH*'I$%/;% >"2*%/
The main finuings of oui suivey ielateu to high schooleis' college plans anu theii
peiceptions of the Boys anu uiils Club, as well as the most effective way to incentivize
volunteeiing foi this age gioup.

Fiist, 9S peicent of high school ageu iesponuents plan to attenu college, anu thiee-quaiteis
of that amount neeu community seivice houis to meet some foim of iequiiement. This is
significant because it tells the Boys anu uiils Club that many local high school ageu
stuuents aie not only looking foi oppoitunities to volunteei foi theii own peisonal gain,
such as to bolstei theii college applications, but aie also iequiieu to seive theii
communities in some foim. The Boys anu uiils Club has a sizeable amount of local teens
that woulu likely volunteei with them if the oiganization effectively maikets themselves to
this auuience.

Seconu, the Boys anu uiils Club has pioblems with theii peiception among high school
ageu stuuents. Among iesponuents, ioughly one out of eveiy thiee stuuents iuentifieu the
oiganization as a place foi low-income families anu chiluien. An auuitional 1S peicent of
iesponuents hau nevei even heaiu of the oiganization. This means that neaily half of the
auuience (47%) that the Boys anu uiils Club is attempting to biing in foi help uoes not
have an accuiate unueistanuing of the oiganization. Fuitheimoie, of sophomoie anu junioi
stuuents, less than half coiiectly uesciibeu the Boys anu uiils Club. Since this has been
iuentifieu as the taiget age foi volunteei help, the lack of awaieness foi the oiganization
piesents a substantial obstacle. This infoimation builus upon the pievious finuing: the
oiganization must effectively maiket themselves to this auuience. Stuuents will not choose
to volunteei with the Boys anu uiils Club unless they begin to bettei unueistanu the
puipose of the oiganization.

Thiiu, the most common iesponse among iesponuents when askeu about volunteeiing
incentives was the oppoitunity to make a uiffeience in someone's life, totaling ioughly S8
peicent. The next most common iesponses weie letteis of iecommenuation (about S1%)
anu paiticipating in fiee fielu tiips (about 24%). In total, these thiee answei choices
amounteu foi almost 9S peicent of total iesponses. These iesults show the Boys anu uiils
Club that the incentives they offei foi volunteeiing aie uesiiable to high school ageu
stuuents. Since this is the case, this ties back to the oiiginal finuing of the suivey: the Boys
anu uiils Club must effectively maiket themselves to this auuience. The oiganization has
plenty to offei high school ageu volunteeis, but they neeu to let people know the benefits of
volunteeiing with them.

0ltimately, these finuings suppoit oui pievious ieseaich as well as oui focus gioup
finuings. Nany high school ageu stuuents not only want to volunteei but aie iequiieu to.
The Boys anu uiils Club can finu stuuents to volunteei with them but will fiist neeu to
piomote themselves among this age gioup, both eliminating aieas of ignoiance among
stuuents iegaiuing the oiganization anu infoiming stuuents of the benefits that accompany
volunteeiing with the Boys anu uiils Club.

Fiom the ieseaich we gatheieu, we can make infeiences about how we conuucteu oui
ieseaich anu the iesults we founu. 0ut of the sample we suiveyeu, we hau significantly
moie female iesponuents than male. This uefinitely swayeu the way oui population is
iepiesenteu. 0ui population was high school anu college stuuents so it was haiu to pieuict
how the female vs. male population woulu take to the suivey.

Finuing that moie females iesponueu to the suivey than males, we can make the
assumption that oui iesponses illustiate the uistinction between how male anu females
view volunteeiing. Females have been founu to be moie pioactive in seiving the
community without financial iewaiu. We founu that a laige peicent of the questioneu
population iesponueu saying that it was veiy impoitant oi impoitant to volunteei. This
iepiesents the female peiception of volunteeiing foi an oiganization such as The Boys anu
uiils Club of Alamance County. This is not a well-iounueu iepiesentation of oui population,
as we uo not have an equal amount of female anu male iesponses. Bau we gatheieu moie
iesponses fiom the male population, we may have founu a uiffeient tienu in iesponses of
volunteeiing impoitance.

Alongsiue the unbalanceu iesponses of male to female iatio, we founu that the age of the
population that answeieu was high school uominateu. This alloweu us to see how high
school stuuents feel volunteeiing will impact theii futuie plans. Bigh school stuuents' view
of volunteeiing is uiffeient than college-ageu stuuents. The high school stuuents felt that
volunteeiing was veiy impoitant, as they saw it as a ueteimining factoi in theii futuie
plans foi college. The motivation foi theii volunteeiing may be misieau oi misinteipieteu
baseu on theii iesponse to theii futuie plans. The coiielation between finuing volunteeiing
impoitant anu going to college was positive. If we hau ieacheu a laigei college stuuent
population, we may have founu a uiffeient association with volunteeiing anu college plans,
as they woulu have iepiesenteu the tiue motivation foi a laige peicent of The Boys anu
uiils Club volunteeis.

:0+0.% 4%,%".15
If we weie to ie-conuuct this suivey, theie aie a few changes we coulu have maue to oui
appioach. Fiist anu foiemost we woulu have ieacheu out to a laigei peicentage of oui
population to get a moie ieliable anu well-iepiesenteu seiies of iesults. We woulu have
ieacheu out to a moie leveleu auuience of female anu males. This woulu have alloweu us to
see how both sexes vieweu volunteeiing in a moie ieliable anu testeu mannei. Thiough
alteiing how we ieacheu oui auuience base, we woulu have been able to be moie ieliant in
oui iesponses as they woulu be suppoiteu with moie uata. Bue to the limitation of time
anu accessibility to college anu high school ageu stuuents, oui iesponses weie a naiiow
iepiesentation of oui stuuy.

In conclusion, oui ieseaich consisteu of two majoi stuuies: a focus gioup of local Alamance
County high school stuuents anu a suivey of moie than 1uu iesponuents. The focus gioup
was compiiseu of seven stuuents, anu the suivey incluueu 112 iesponses, 79 of which weie
uone by high school stuuents.

0ui focus gioup, which taigeteu the specific auuience the Boys & uiils Club of Alamance
County is taigeting, local high-school ageu stuuents, gave inteiesting iesults. Although the
finuings cannot be geneializeu to the entiie gioup the Boys & uiils Club is taigeting, it gives
insight into the thought piocess of local stuuents.

The iesults of the focus gioup showeu that local stuuents aie planning to go to college anu
they value volunteeiing. Auuitionally, local schools want theii stuuents to volunteei in the
community. Next, the stuuy showeu that the Boys anu uiils Club is misunueistoou among
local teens, but theie aie effective ways to communicate with teens to change that.

The finuings of the suivey ieinfoiceu the iesults of the focus gioup. Fuithei finuings
incluueu the fact that many stuuents not only have a uesiie to volunteei, but have a
iequiieu amount of volunteeiing houis they must meet in oiuei to giauuate fiom theii
inuiviuual high school.

All of this infoimation boues well foi the Boys anu uiils Club of Alamance County, because
it pioves that it is possible to get the summei help they aie looking foi. Bowevei, in oiuei
to uo so, they must uevelop a means of communication, likely thiough social meuia, to
cieate an awaieness of the oiganization among local teens. This will eliminate
misconceptions the club faces among youth. Auuitionally, the oiganization shoulu shaie
with this auuience the peiks of volunteeiing with them.

Assuming the Boys anu uiils Club of Alamance County takes steps to communicate anu
inteiact with local high school stuuents, they shoulu be able to solve theii pioblem
iegaiuing summei help. Theie aie plenty of Alamance County that aie looking to volunteei,
they simply neeu to be infoimeu of the oppoitunities anu benefits of being involveu with
the Boys anu uiils Club.

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- To iuentify an aiea within the Salvation Aimy Boys anu uiils Club that can be impioveu
- To unueistanu high school stuuents' attituues on volunteeiing within the community
- To inciease the numbei of stuuent volunteeis at the Boys anu uiils Club uuiing the
C#-A)'5#'+ (/)4*3#
The seven paiticipants within this stuuy weie high school stuuents who attenu Williams
Bigh School in Builington, NC. 0f the paiticipants, theie weie thiee seniois, two juniois,
one sophomoie, anu one fieshman. All of the paiticipants ievealeu that they planneu on
attenuing a college once they giauuate. Each paiticipant also expiesseu that he oi she was
awaie of some aspects iegaiuing volunteeiism.
This focus gioup uiscussion was helu within a classioom at Williams Bigh School on
0ctobei 17, 2u1S at S p.m. The paiticipants weie uismisseu fiom class eaily in oiuei to
paiticipate in this stuuy.

As the paiticipants aiiiveu in the classioom wheie the focus gioup uiscussion took place,
they weie gieeteu anu offeieu pizza. The paiticipants weie then given a questionnaiie,
which askeu theii name, age anu yeai in school. Theie was also a section that peimitteu the
paiticipants to wiite any auuitional infoimation about themselves but stateu that it was
optional. Next, the paiticipants signeu a consent waivei, which explaineu that the
uiscussion woulu be filmeu anu iecoiueu. We infoimeu the paiticipants that the puipose
foi this assignment was foi a communication ieseaich couise at Elon 0niveisity. With the
cameia iecoiuing, the moueiatoi anu othei facilitatois saiu theii names anu ievealeu theii
ioles within the focus gioup uiscussion. "What aie youi goals once you giauuate fiom high
school." was the fiist question. It ievealeu theii aspiiations anu leu us to uiscovei if
volunteeiism coulu possibly be incoipoiateu into these goals.

- Post-uiauuation uoals
- Stuuents' views on volunteeiing
- Pie-Existing Knowleuge of the Boys anu uiils Club
- Stuuent volunteei 0ppoitunities

The puipose of this focus gioup uiscussion was to gain a ueepei unueistanuing of how we
can get moie high school stuuents to volunteei at the Boys anu uiils Club ovei the summei.
Stuuents who attenu Elon 0niveisity typically volunteei at the club on weekuays as a pait
of on-campus oiganizations. Buiing the summei, howevei, when college stuuents aie no
longei on campus, the Boys anu uiils Club uoes not have as many oluei stuuent volunteeis.
As a iesult, oui piimaiy focus is to see how we can encouiage local high school stuuents to
volunteei theie ovei the summei.

!."*,1.2=+2'* K'+%,
! The paiticipants weie moie ieseiveu at the beginning of the focus gioup; this
was inuicateu by non-veibal clues incluuing ciosseu aims anu sloucheu postuies.
! The paiticipants became moie comfoitable voicing theii opinions towaiu the
enu of the uiscussion.
! William was not opinionateu anu uiu not seem inteiesteu in the uiscussion.
! Negan was a leauei in the uiscussion anu seemeu to be the most comfoitable
shaiing hei opinion with the gioup.
! It appeaieu that NacKenzie pioviueu too much inspiiation foi the
paiticipants' iesponses that may have skeweu the conveisation. She also uiu not
allow auequate time foi the paiticipants to answei anu think about the questions
befoie giving hei opinion.


!."*,1.2=+ '( :'10, >.'0=
NacKenzie: Aliight guys, so fiist we'ie going to intiouuce ouiselves anu tell you a little bit
of why you aie heie anu then we'ie just going to ask you the questions anu then at the enu
we'll give you a uebiief of exactly the whole stuuy because at the be-beginning we can't
uisclose all of the infoimation because it will change the way you guys say youi answeis oi
so that's how the stuuy woiks. So, I'm NacKenzie, we'ie fiom Elon 0niveisity, anu we'ie all
stuuying communications- so that's like PR, auveitisment, those kinu of things. Anu, iight
now we'ie woiking on a ieseaich pioject, anu this is oui focus gioup anu so we'ie heie just
to get a little moie infoimation on the inuiviuual, I guess, oiganization that we'ie stuuying
anu how you guys feel about it.

Baiion: An-Anu so my name is Baiion Baniels, anu I'll be the moueiatoi. I can kinu of like
ask you all the questions um anu get youi iesponses.

Tiisha: I'm Tiisha, anu I'll be kinu of taking caie of the time, making suie we uon't, you
know, talk too much oi too little about things.

Linusay: I'm Linusay, anu I'm going to be iecoiuing this but uon't woiiy-it's not going to be
like on the inteinet oi anything so ...(laughtei). It's going to be foi oui teachei.

NacKenzie: Anu you guys be open to answei the questions howevei you want anu just
chime in. Bon't be shy, okay.

Biiuget: 0kay (laughtei)
Baiion: So is eveiybouy ieauy. Eveiybouy feeling goou. Pietty goou-

Linusay: (oveilapping) They shoulu go aiounu anu say theii names.

Nackenzie: 0h yeah. 0h yeah. Can you guys all intiouuce youiself. We will just go aiounu
this way. }ust say youi names.

Catheiine: I'm Catheiine.

}ane: I'm }ane.

}ennie: I'm }ennie.

Negan: Negan.

Ashley: I'm Ashley.

Biiuget: Biiuget.

William: I'm William.

Nackenzie: uieat stait so fai.

Eveiyone: (Laughs)

Baiion: 0k so with that is eveiyone ieauy, eveiyone ieauy to get staiteu with the fiist

Biiuget: No (laughing)

Eveiyone: (Laughs)

Baiion: It's not bau, it's just ieally simple, so is eveiybouy ieauy.

Eveiyone: Yes (with a laughing tone)

Baiion: 0k, so the fiist one um so what aie youi goals aftei you giauuate fiom high school.

Nackenzie: We can just go this way anu go aiounu.

Catheiine: 0m well college maybe, maybe like the aimy but I uon't know yet so.

Tiisha: Cool.

}ane: uo to college anu I want to be a haii stylist.

Nackenzie: 0h you go.

}ennie: 0m going to law school.

Negan: 0m stuuy biology.

Ashley: I want to go to 0NCu, anu I want to be a physical theiapist.

Biiuget: I guess go to college (giggling)

William: uo to college anu majoi in chemical engineeiing.

Nackenzie: wow nice you guys ieally know what you want, a lot moie than I uiu in high

Tiisha: Yeah you guys aie on top of it.

Baiion: uieat so eveiybouy pietty such saiu going to college um anu having some kinu of
plan thats gieat. Bow uo you think high school stuuents view volunteeiing in the summei.

Catheiine: um I actually like volunteeiing in the summei, like um we went to oi my sistei
two summeis back she went to Kolkata anu like volunteeieu theie, so I think its a gieat

}ennie: 0m, Some people uon't like it just because they'ie lazy but it's a goou oppoitunity to

Negan: I think a lot of people uo it a lot of people uo it foi the iight ieason anu a lot of
people uo it to just put on theii apps anu stuff but I like to uo it but just locally but not like
uiffeient countiies anu stuff.

Ashley: I think its goou cause its like giving back to youi community which is a goou thing
to uo.

Biiuget: What was the question again. (laughing)

Eveiyone: Laughing

Baiion: 0m, how uo you think, thats fine how uo you think high school stuuents view
volunteeiing in the summei. So just in geneial like how you may feel about anu how high
school stuuents as a whole like what uo they think about uo they think its boiing oi aie a
lot of people inteiesteu in uoing it uo you think oi..

Biiuget: 0kay.

Nackenzie: Anu you can honestly say if you think it is boiing we will not be offenueu so uo
not woiiy.

Baiion: (oveilapping) we will not be offenueu.

Biiuget: (oveilapping) I uon't think it is boiing you get to uo like uiffeient things you get to
tiy uiffeient things anu woik with uiffeient people.

William: Like, like she saiu you get to meet new people. Anu uo yeah uiffeient things.

Nackenzie: Bo you feel like that's how eveiyone sees it though at school, oi like the
majoiity of people.

Eveiyone: No.

Nackenzie: No.

Baiion: Bow uo think othei people see it.

Biiuget: They ieally uon't caie foi it. I guess.

NacKenzie: But uo you feel like people uon't caie foi it because theie's like not a monetaiy
factoi. You know like you uon't ieally get money foi it. 0i like you uon't get a piize. 0i you
uon't get cieuit houis.



Ashley: (oveilapping) They uon't think it's fun.

NacKenzie: Right, so if theie's no iewaiu, they uon't ieally have an incentive to go out anu
just uo something to help the people just to say they uiu it. Like you saiu on applications a
lot of people uo it just to look goou. Which I can say is half the ieason I uiu it sometimes so I
uon't blame anyone I unueistanu that.

Baiion: Nhmm. So geneially yeah as high school stuuents as a whole they have like a
negative attituue uo you think like towaius...

Negan: }ust inuiffeient maybe.

NacKenzie: (oveilapping) Inuiffeient.

Baiion: Right. Right.

NacKenzie: Bo you feel like if they hau an incentive they woulu uo it moie, like not
necessaiily get money but got something foi it like cieuit houis with the school oi
something like that. 0kay. iight.
Baiion: What uo you all know about the Boys anu uiils Club of Alamance County. If

Ashley: Well...

NacKenzie: (oveilapping) We uon't have to stait with you eveiy time. So someone can

Ashley: Well my fiienu, she uiu that ovei the summei, anu she ieally likeu it cause she just
likeu helping out.

NacKenzie: So she uiu like the summei piogiam with them. So she woikeu fiom like 9 in
the moining until like whenevei.

Ashley: Yeah she ieally loveu it.

NacKenzie: Eveiyuay.

Ashley: Yes.

NacKenzie: Wow goou foi hei. uoou.

Tiisha: That's cool.

NacKenzie: Bo you guys know anything. You can say no, it's fine. Bon't woiiy about it.

Ashley: 0m, I ieally uon't know what it is, but I just know that like it's not babysitting, is it.

NacKenzie: No, no you'ie iight. It's not babysitting.

Ashley: But like she woikeu with kius. Anu just uiffeient age gioups (mumbling).

Catheiine: It's like an aftei-school gioup.

NacKenzie anu Baiion: Nhm.

NacKenzie: In the summei it's a little uiffeient obviously cause theie's not school. You'ie
iight about that uuiing the school yeai.

Baiion: Bo you think that giving back to youi community is impoitant. Anu if so, why oi
why not.

}ennie: Yes. Because people have gave to you, so you shoulu give back.

Ashley: I think, oh I'm soiiy.

NacKenzie: (oveilapping) No, no.


Ashley: I think, yes because it's always goou to give back to wheie you came fiom.

NacKenzie: uoou point. Anyone else. But uo you feel like theie's not enough oppoitunities
to give back that you like woulu enjoy.

Catheiine: I uon't think theie is heie. But...

NacKenzie: (oveilapping) Theie's not heie, but you feel like theie is elsewheie.

Catheiine: Yeah.

NacKenzie: But you feel youi school alone though uoesn't like piesent enough foi you. So
theiefoie, it's kinu of haiu to finu them.

Catheiine: Well, the school uoes a lot. But like I feel like Builington isn't ieally...

NacKenzie: The best place to finu aftei-school ways to help out.

Negan: I think that it's pietty abunuant, actually. I feel like theie's like a lot of stuff to uo.

NacKenzie: You uo. 0kay.

Negan: You just have to like go out anu finu it.

NacKenzie: Aliight but you feel like, like I saiu, like the school uoesn't necessaiily come to
you with iueas.

Negan: Yeah, you've got to go ask them.
NacKenzie: Right, okay.

Baiion: Nhm.

NacKenzie: Anu if you ask like who uo you ask when you ask someone heie.

}ane: uuiuance counselois.

Negan: 0m yeah guiuance counselois a lot of the honoi societies have like a lot of stuff to

NacKenzie: (oveilapping) 0kay. Anu they'll give you uiffeient like oig. Like they give you
oiganizations. 0i uo they just like...

Negan: They like will even biing people in to talk to you about it, they senu you emails

NacKenzie: Right.

Negan: They have like volunteei expos like uownstaiis sometimes. Wheie you can talk to
people that heau like meetings anu stuff.

NacKenzie: 0kay, cool.

Baiion: Anu so, how uo you suggest iaising awaieness to attiact moie stuuents to
volunteei at oiganizations ovei the summei. What woulu you uo to get moie people to
like active oi...

Tiisha: Specifically at this high school oi at high schools in the aiea.

NacKenzie: Bo you think people use Facebook a lot, foi instance. Bo people look at a
Facebook page anu be like oh cool. Like if someone set up a ieally cool, kinu of like an
auveitisement foi a uiffeient oiganization like get involveu heie. You can uo these things,
like heie's the numbei to contact. Like they give you all the infoimation.

Nany stuuents: Yeah.

NacKenzie: Bo a lot of people use Facebook.

Nany stuuents: Yeah.

NacKenzie: 0k so, so that oi if you put it on the school website...

Nost stuuents: No.

}ennie: We uo, but people uon't ieally check it a lot.

NacKenzie: 0k, so Facebook woulu be moie of an outlet.
Ashley: I feel like the announcements oi like social netwoiks. Stuff like that.

NacKenzie: 0k. Bo you guys have announcements eveiy moining.

Nany Stuuents: Yeah.

NacKenzie: 0h, theie you go.

Negan: They'ie even posteu on the website, so it woulu be both.

NacKenzie: 0h, okay.

Baiion: So then, what woulu you all uo. Like to get youi fiienus at school like moie
motivateu. 0i to like iaise awaieness.

NacKenzie: Like uo they think volunteeiing is like lame. Like is that kinu of like the notion
it gets.

Negan: Some people.

NacKenzie: All iight. Bow uo you think you coulu make it not seem as lame to high
schooleis. Cause I know when I was in high school, I mean I just speak foi myself, I wasn't
always like, "0h yeah, lets go help at the homeless sheltei on Fiiuay night." Like, you know
that wasn't like my fiist go to thing. But how uo you get people to want to uo that uo you
guys think. Like what woulu get you to want. In the summei.

}ennie: If I heaiu goou things about the volunteeiing oiganization

NacKenzie: 0k. Fiom othei stuuents.

}ennie: Yes. 0i fiom the people that uoes the oiganization.

NacKenzie: 0k. What if it was like an active summei piogiam. Like you got to go to like a
watei paik oi...

}ennie: I coulu uo that.

(Stuuents nou)

NacKenzie: Like, an amusement paik. That woulu be a little bit moie exciting than like just
sitting theie.

Negan: (inauuible)

NacKenzie: 0kay.

}ennie: Yeah.
Tiisha: Any othei iueas of how you coulu oi maybe how you coulu like, we coulu as
communications people go into high schools anu convince people to tiy to volunteei at the
Boys anu uiils Club oi something. Bo you have any iueas of how they coulu maiket it oi
wheie they woulu maiket it.

NacKenzie: Bo you feel like it woulu help if a stuuent iepiesentative, like one of us came in
anu explaineu it to you anu gave you all the uetails anu gave you like a hanuout with who to
contact too.

Negan: Yeah. That woulu be bettei than just posting it somewheie I think.

NacKenzie: 0kay.

Negan: Because then you ieally know if they like caie.

NacKenzie: Right. But uo you feel like if we came foi like one class, because obviously we
coulun't come to all of youi classes. Bo you think the woiu woulu spieau. Like uoes that
happen often. Like people aie like, "0h these people came in anu talkeu about this. 0h, you
shoulu check it out." 0i woulu they be like, "0h, thiow the papei away."

Negan: It uepenus on what giaue level, I woulu say.

NacKenzie: Bo you think the oluei stuuents aie moie inteiesteu oi like.

Negan: I woulu say like miuule.

NacKenzie: 0kay.

Negan: Like juniois maybe. Cause senioi tenu to...

NacKenzie: Slack off.

Negan: Kinu of uismiss things like that. 0i like blow off classes.

NacKenzie: Right. 0kay.

Negan: Anu not fieshmen

NacKenzie: They'ie just getting into high school. They'ie like oveiwhelmeu.

Negan: They woulun't ieally get into volunteeiing.

NacKenzie: Right. 0k. Anu you feel like juniois because they'ie uoing they'ie applications
foi college (Negan: |nouuingj Yep.) If they'ie planning on going to college. So they'ie
looking foi things to wiite uown.

Tiisha: The volunteei expo also seems like a goou oppoitunity.

Baiion: So those aie all the questions that we have.

Tiisha: Well, also to kinu of go off of the fiist question, what uo you think in geneial, like
youi classmates who go to Williams, like what theii goals aie aftei giauuation. Cause that
will kinu of shape how we woulu want to maiket oui message to them.

Baiion: So like with that uo you think a lot of people plan on going to college.

Tiisha: 0i going stiaight to the woikfoice oi like..

Negan: Eveiyone I know is planning to go to college.

Tiisha: 0kay.

Baiion: Right.

Negan: 0i like, Navy oi Aimy is veiy iaie.

NacKenzie: So something aftei school.

Nany Stuuents: Yeah.

NacKenzie: Not planning on having theii high school uegiee anu going into the woikfoice.

Nany stuuents: No.

NacKenzie: 0kay. So they woulu neeu volunteeiing if they plan on going anywheie aftei.
0kay. Shoulu we uebiief it.

Baiion: 0kay. So the puipose of this expeiiment, the ieason um we askeu you all these
questions, um, was so that we coulu get a geneial iuea of how we coulu get moie high
school stuuents to volunteei at the boys anu giils club ovei the summei. 0m, as Elon
stuuents, theie aie uiffeient oiganizations on campus anu on a lot of college campuses that
tiy to get stuuents active anu involveu anu so at the boys anu giils club specifically, theie
aie always like college stuuents volunteeiing theie thioughout the weekuays, howevei
uuiing the summei when college stuuents go back home oi they aie no longei in the aiea
the boys anu giils club uoesn't have as many volunteeis, um, that aie oluei. So, we;ie tiying,
oui focus gioups piimaiy focus is to see well how can we encouiage high school stuuents
to volunteei theie oi what incentives just to get like a geneial iuea, um, fiom high school
stuuents. What to you think about volunteeiing, what uo you know about volunteeiing, uo
you think that people woulu be inteiesteu in uoing some that aie in high school. Anu so
that was, uh, that is what those questions aie about.

NacKenzie: So, uoes that make sense.

Nost Stuuents: Yep

NacKenzie: uoou

Baiion: Aliight, so thank you all foi youi time. We appieciate it.


70.B%< L0%,+2'**"2.%

1) Bow woulu you best uesciibe the Boys anu uiils Club.
! an aftei-school piogiam foi chiluien of low-income families
! a iecieational centei
! piogiam that pioviues iesouices anu piogiams foi stuuents aftei school anu
in the summei
! I have nevei heaiu of the Boys anu uiils Club

2) Foi what ieasons uo you typically volunteei. Check all that apply.
! foi a club oi oiganization
! foi a class assignment
! foi cieuit houis
! I volunteei fieely, without the influence of a job, school, oi an oiganization,
! to meet a community-seivice iequiiement
! I typically uo not volunteei
! 0thei: _______

S) Which of the following incentives woulu make you moie inclineu to volunteei at a
chiluien's oiganization ovei the summei. Check all that apply.
! paiticipation in fiee fielu tiips with lunch pioviueu (wateipaik, skating,
bowling, swimming, movies)
! lettei of iecommenuation fiom an oiganization that coulu be useu towaiu
youi iesume
! having the oppoitunity to make a uiffeience anu positively impact someone's
! 0thei: _________

4) Aie you planning on attenuing college. C0LLEuE ST0BENTS SKIP TBIS Q0ESTI0N
! Yes
! No
! 0nueciueu

S) Bow impoitant uo you think volunteeiing is when applying to college.
! veiy impoitant
! Impoitant
! Somewhat impoitant
! Not impoitant

6) Wasis community seivice a iequiiement foi any of the following ieasons in high
school. Check all that apply.
! uiauuation
! Senioi pioject
! Class tiip
! 0thei

7) If community seivice iswas a high school iequiiement, how many houis aieweie
! u-1u
! 11-24
! 2S-S4
! SS-44
! 4S-S4
! SS-64
! 6S oi highei

8) What is youi age.

9) If you aie in high school, please wiite what yeai you aie (fieshman, sophomoie, junioi,

1u) If you aie in college, please wiite youi giauuation yeai (2u14, 2u1S, 2u16, 2u17)

11) What is youi genuei.
! Nale
! Female
! Piefei not to answei

12) Please wiite the city anu state of youi high school

1S) Please give a biief explanation foi why you uo oi uo not paiticipate in community
seivice (1-S sentences)

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