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Present Perfect - Mixed Exercise

Make the present perfect - it could be positive, negative or question.

To build sentences.
Example :
Listen to / she / egeeaton music / she has listened to
!" #$ / go / to the librar% toda%" .
&" #%ou / keep a pet for three %ears" .
'" #%ou / come here before"( .
)" #it / rain all da%"( .
*" #+ho / +e / forgot to invite"( .
," #+e / not / hear that song alread%" .
-" #he / not / forget his books" .
." #she / steal all the chocolate" .
/" #$ / explain it +ell"( .
!0" #+ho / he / meet recentl%"( .
!!" #ho+ / +e / finish alread%"( .
!&" #he / stud% Latin" .
!'" #$ / kno+ him for three months" .
!)" #+here / %ou / stud% 1rabic"( .
!*" #+hat countries / the% / visit in Europe"(
!," #he / hurt his leg" .
!-" #she / leave her phone in a taxi" .
!." #+e / not / lose our tickets" .
!/" #she / call her mother"( .
&0" #he / take a taxi"( .

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