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Woolley 1

Jenica Woolley
Mr. Hipkins
Speech Block 8
4 March 2012
Elizabeth Cady Stanton: The Destructive Male
Peoples petty excuse for denying women the right to vote is that it will make them
more masculine and less ladylike. This is why we are here at Seneca Falls to discuss such
injustice. Though we are deprived of voting rights, women mirror men in many facets, but
they chose to only emphasize that women are watered down versions of men. Although
women have the capability to be strong, men chose to ignore this characteristic. They will
continue to believe that mens role is to feed women, and womens role is to compensate
and cater to the needs of men: their providers. To be considered socially acceptable and
well-liked, a woman must conform to the guidelines pre-established by men, and only
reflect mens ideals, ultimately compromising your own divine opinion. She must follow
and obey men, even though they deem her unworthy of god given rights.
Women must view everything from mens specific point of view, or be seen as a
sheer daydreamer. She must not question the nature of things, but solely adapt to whatever
situation she is placed in. To object and denounce the injustice of poverty, hardships in jail,
mistreatment of the insane, and the horrors of war, spite and malice in every form would
be silly and to no avail. To revolt against illicit schemes and corruption, to hope that her
sons grow up to be respectable men not involved in underhanded business or become liars,
would be completely foolish of her.

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