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Infertility Services Page 1

We are pioneers in treating barrenness with most elevated achievement rates in IVF and
assorted types of fruitlessness methodology.
Treating fruitlessness is our energy and we expect to offer pregnancy to each couple who is
How would we vary from the rest?

We have in-house full time sinologists, endocrine research facility group, embryologist,
gynecologists, restorative officers, guides, nursing staff, master anthology lab group, IVF lab
group, drug store and indoor group under the direction of two master IVF authorities, DR R G
Patel, and DR Raman Patel.

All the divisions work dedicatedly and in attachment with all to attain the staggering comes
about that we have.

We assess each one case exclusively as no two cases are comparative. All the paramount
explanations behind fruitlessness like male variable, uterine component, tubal elements,
ovarian variables, and endocrinological reasons are assessed.

Individuals originate from all parts of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Karnataka, West
Bengal and all parts of India for treatment of barrenness.

Couples originate from distinctive parts of the world primarily UK, USA, Australia, Gulf
Countries, and Africa for all mixtures of fruitlessness medications.

All the most difficult cases with past a few IVF cycles fizzled, enormous Endometriomas,
various fibroids, thick pelvic bonds, Asherman's disorder, poor ovarian store, come to us and
we acknowledge the test and strive to offer pregnancy to all.

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