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How common is HCV/HIV coinfection?

An estimated four to five million people in the United States have

been infected with hepatitis C. Some of these people cleared the
hepatitis C virus and are no longer infected, so the number of
people who are chronically infected is smaller, though precise
figures for chronic HCV infection are difficult to obtain.
More than one million people in the United States have HIV/AIDS,
and 25% to 30% of them are coinfected with HCV.
Worldwide, about four to five million people are coinfected with HIV
and hepatitis C. Coinfection rates range from about 9% of HIVpositive
people in the United Kingdom to almost 50% in Spain and
Italy. Coinfection rates as high as 60% to 70% have been found in
groups of injection drug users (IDUs) in various countries, including
the United States, which has very high coinfection rates in some
urban areas.

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