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Reasons for Daly Water Heater Water Odors

Thugh th smell f rotten eggs whn n heads t tk a shower r pour a glass f water i nt
pleasant, it m b corrected. In mt cases, th smell i bu f ecess bacteria tht h begun
growing in th water tank. It h!!n generall" fr properties tht u a wll r cities tht u a wll t
suppl" th water.
#ost, if nt all, th bacteria huld b killed b setting th temperature f th water heater t $%&
degrees r higher. Tht bing said, it d sa'e th homeowner a fw pennies frm energ" costs t b
bl t k! th temperature rund $(& degrees.
)utlined hr th tw mt basic procedures t gt rid f tht stink" water heater water smell.
$. *hlorination n mt likl kill th etra bacteria tht h bn inhabiting th water heater. Thr
r tw w t begin thi process. +irst, n n periodicall" flush th water heater with bleach. )n
uld l install a chlorine feeder , whih will llw n t g withut ding th bleach flushes
,though nt a hrd task t do, -ut nt th mt fun process..
(. / nw annode rod n help, thugh m nt b successful. Th tasks frm $. m till h' t b
performed well. *heck t if bth th hot nd cold water smell r if th problem i nl with th
hot water. If thi holds true -ut fr th hot water, th problem m b tht th annode rod i wearing
due t use. 0 will nt !if here, but thr r 'riu diffrnt st"les f annode rods tht uld b
ud nd h h' thir pros nd cons. If n u a water softener in th home, thi n 1uicken th
life epectanc" f n annode rod well.
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