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Najla Nadeem
Professor Maffitt
Honors English 101
16 September 2014
Horrors Behind The Anthropocentric Beliefs
The Earth was more picturesque thousands of years ago than it is today. It was filled with
tropical rainforests, crystal clear rivers, and endless species of plants and animals. The Earth also
reflected beautiful scenes of nourished greenery and infinite resources. And in their leisure time,
human beings either observed nature, fished in the lake, or hiked in the park. Some humans have
even represented finer aspects of humanity by taking care of nature and its creatures. In contrast,
many others now represent the worst aspects of humanity by misusing their brains capabilities.
Because of this reason, humans are beginning to consider themselves as superior to everything
else on earth. This explains why they are starting to behave like fascist dictators of the world
without realizing how their actions are impacting other fellow creatures. This is why it is crucial
to beware of the horrific trends that anthropocentric beliefs are leading towards because they are
extracting out the best aspects of our humanity. However, if their values continue rising then so
will the damaging feelings of superiority that will dehumanize human nature and cause
corruption all over the planet.
Before the Europeans had migrated to North America, this continent was abundant with
natural resources and filled with all kinds of plants and animals. Moreover, the Native Americans
were contented with this countrys condition so they progressed to maintain it. Ed McGaa
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explains in Natures Way that Native people were able to trust the assumption that nature was
indeed honest and would dispense only true, unadulterated justice should the need arise. This
quote illustrates that the Native people were so devoted to nature that they respected and served
it as if nature was their absolute dictator. Because of this reason, McGaa went on explaining that
the Native Americans were sensitive with natures resources so they used them only if it was
necessary and sustained it to make sure that it was nourished and blossoming. Since they treated
nature so mercifully, the Native Americans reflected the most idealistic aspects of humanity and
have left a legacy behind that future generations should cherish.
Unlike the Native Americans who felt inferior to nature, many humans today feel as if
they are superior to the world; therefore, they are misusing everything in the planet including
their own brain. It is true that the human brain is the most powerful organ in the world. Neither
any species, nor any creature has such a brain that is filled with infinite capacities and that is
capable of accomplishing any task that it is given. Unfortunately, many of us humans are taking
a wrong advantage of this remarkable organ. Assisting humans in establishing all sorts of
inventions, the brain has also lead them to create dangerous weapons like bombs and guns. In
return, these weapons are causing dehumanization because in Palestine for instance, the Israeli
soldiers turned the entire region of Palestine into a minuscule area that is now called Gaza.
However, this victory wasnt enough for the soldiers so they continued attacking the people of
Gaza. Millions of children, women, and the elderly were killed and devastated along with the
environment, yet the soldiers continued their mission. This clearly portrays that the
anthropocentric beliefs have dehumanized humans to this extent that innocent women and
children are being killed in wars.
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Due to the valuing of anthropocentric beliefs, these are the inevitable consequences that
the planet is beginning to face. Not only are such horrific trends going to damage nature and its
creatures, but also destruct the lives of humankind. Hence, before the horrors and damages
worsen, it is necessary for humans to reject the anthropocentric beliefs and develop the aspects of
humanity that the Native Americans had demonstrated by treating nature and its creatures
graciously. By carrying out this activity, human beings will provide sustenance to nature and
gain back their lost civil and noble characteristics.

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