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You do realize you are arguing the rights of a restaurant that publicly stated t

hat "all of its customers should be treated equally instead of some being reward
ed for praying in the restaurant":
But, lets put that aside for a sec...:}
*Title II of the civil rights act;*
_"Outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion or national origin in h
otels, motels, restaurants, theaters, and all other public accommodations engage
d in interstate commerce; exempted private clubs without defining the term "priv
Offering promotions in other markets based on free market targets or charitabl
e contributions should seem acceptable. Unless you're disguising intent.
You seem to conveniently ignore disenfranchising a minority.
It speaks to your character.
Please continue with your rhetoric as it only adds to the pool of commonly known
bullshit verbatim that fuels the fire against your ideology's own demise...
Ya know... you being unfamiliar with the law doesn't bother me as much as you
being willing to say (in a nut shell) that some Americans should just shut-up, b
e dishonest to their beliefs, and take advantage of others.
One question fucker.....What would Jesus do?
Answer: whatever one would want to consider he'd do. Hence the protections ag
ainst religion in this country.
The most Un-American thing one could do is advocate that someone just sit ther
e and another belief currently unreasonable to
oneself (Subjected to change based on rational evidence of course).
Living in an Islamic nation...current conditions are you wouldn't even have pr
otections under any laws if you were to patronize an establishment as an "itty b
itty" christian minority. You could get beaten to death if there weren't protec
tions against it.
America was founded by individuals whom wanted freedom from a government who tol
d them what they must believe.....and here you are trying to justify why it is o
kay for one to act as if they believe something they do not instead of standing
up for the opposite.
So if you want to continue being a piece of shit...enforcing one religion over
another and especially over a group that believes in none of them. Then you ar
e the enemy of the United States, of your own, and the world

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