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How to Create a Stenciled Overlay

In this instruction, you will learn how to create a graphic overlay of an image. You will be using tools associated with
Adobe Photoshop CS6, using a standard computer provided in Bachelor 252. You will need access to the programs and
be fairly computer-friendly. The process may take a few hours, depending on the amount of detail desired.

1. The first step is to open Adobe Photoshop CS6

2. Following the first step, import the picture for the project. You will need to go to the picture files location and open
it through Photoshop CS6.

If the option to open through Adobe Photoshop CS6 is not available, you will need to Choose default program and
browse for the program.

3. You will then create a new Layer:

After locating the New Layer option, you will be prompted with the following:

Maintain the default options and click OK.

4. The next step is to select the parameters of your overlay. This will be the subject of your stencil. Depending on the
depth of the picture will determine how much you wish to overlay. The picture in this tutorial has a prominent
foreground and background, making this step easier.

5. With the lasso tool, you will select the background that is not going to be part of the overlay.

6. Upon selecting the region, select the inverse of the image using the Select menu and choosing Inverse.

7. With the image selected, you can Copy and create a new Layer for the region.

This new layer will aid in the selected area to create the stencil.

8. In the previous Image, next to the thumbnail tiles of the layer, there is a Visibility function. By clicking the button,
one can hide the selected layer. We will be hiding the Background Layer and work with the previously made one.

9. Next, you will zoom in on a section and begin to stencil the picture.

10. With the Pencil tool, which is on the same panel as the Brush tool with an extended click, select the Pencil.

11. Choose the color White by clicking the reverse tool near the Black/White blocks.

12. Before any stencil work, a new Layer needs to be made over the visible layer. This new Layer will be the canvas for
your work.

13. In this new Layer, you will highlight edges of the picture and defining regions with short brush strokes with the
Pencil tool. Using the Zoom tool helps find the sharper details

14. With a general outline of the picture, you will then use the Zoom tool to work on more fine elements. You will use
closer and more dense strokes in dark areas; as well as lighter, more spaced out strokes or none at all for lighter

15. The directions of the strokes will define the difference of the regions and create a barrier between tones. You will
want to create these strokes in the direction of the curves and visible lines.

16. Create Longer strokes along well-defined lines. This will help maintain the rigid curves.

17. Continue filling in regions with the desired densities of your strokes and directions until you feel comfortable with
the stencil work.

18. The next step is to create a New Layer.

19. You will drag the layer down between the Background and the first Layer. This will create a layer beneath your
previously made layers.

20. With this new Layer, select the Bucket tool, which is hidden under the Gradient tool.

21. Select the color Black and paint the new Layer Black.

22. With the Black background, remove wild strokes and smooth out some regions that are more visible to fix and
create longer strokes in areas that are lacking.

23. The last step is to hide the first Layer you made (the one containing the image you stenciled over) and you will
have your final product.

Some critiquing may be needed to smooth some edges, or remove some stray lines, but coloring outside the lines is
encouraged, as it creates a unique aspect to the product.
24. Present your new found artistic style to your friends and colleagues and show them your Masterpiece of the era!

25. Cry deeply when your girlfriend/boyfriend grimaces at the fact that you call that art. Tissues may be required for
this step.

26. Send your parents a reaffirming email about not giving up on your dreams to be a New-Age artist, and One With
the Photoshop.

27. Give yourself a gratuitous pat on the back and a box of chocolates to feel even better about yourself and your
hours spent on the drawing.

28. Go back to Adobe Photoshop CS6 and reopen your stenciled drawing and review your flaws and correct them. This
will aid in the advancement in your studies to be the best.

29. Try messing around with different tools and learn new ways to revision your style.

30. Present your NEW masterpiece to the world and laugh as they bow down to your magnificence. (Also, credit me in
making you the best Photoshop-Stencil-Extraordinaire when you become famous).

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