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Contoh Penulisan Rujukan Mengikut Format APA

1. Buku
2. Buku yang melibatkan editor
3. Artikel dalam buku yang melibatkan editor
4. urnal
!. Akhbar
". #hesis
Natarajan, R., & Chaturvedi, R. (2003). Geology of the Indian Ocean Floor. Hartford, CT:
Merganser niversit! "ress.
#tanton, $. C., & %ar&'an, (. ((ds.). (2003). The female autograph: Theory and practice of
autobiography. Midd)eto*n, CT: +&is ,oo-store "ress.
", R. (. (2002). ses of ti'e in the .o)iti/a) nove)s of 0ose.h Conrad. +n C. 1. $ar)ing, 0r.,
0. #hie)ds, & (. C. %ar&'an ((ds.), Chronological looping in political novels (... 223435).
Hartford: Ca.ita) "ress.
Chinn, C. 6. & ,re*er, 1. %. (4223). The ro)e of ano'a)ous data in -no*)edge
a/7uisition: 6 theoriti/a) fra'e*or- and i'.)i/ation for s/ien/e instru/tion.
Review of ducational Research. 83 (4), 4392
Ne* e:a' for do/tor of future. (42;2, Mar/h 45). The !ew "or# Times$ .. ,340.
Mohd #hu-ri, 6&du) 1aha& (2008) %eranan &onsultasi %er#hidmatan dan 'atihan (%') *alam
+ening#at#an %restasi di ,abatan &astam: -atu &a.ian &es di Cawangan %engurusan
&orporat &astam *ira.a +alaysia %ulau %inang. Masters thesis, niversiti tara Ma)a!sia
$. Rujukan %nternet
&. 'amus
"rin/e, M., <igeant, M. & Nottis, M. In/uiry0based activities can help overcome undergraduate
engineering students1 misconceptions. $i.ero)ehi .ada 20 0an 2040 dari.ada
-horter O2ford nglish dictionary (5th ed.).(2002). Ne* >or-: ?:ford niversit! "ress.

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