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Watership Down: Chapters 24-27

(17 marks) Answer these questions in full sentences, but in as few words as possible.
(2 marks)
1. a) Explain the effect on the reader of having the speech of the humans in the story rendered
idiomatically, while the rabbits seem to speak almost perfect standard English.
b) Re-read the paragraph on page 245, that begins with the words, "Well, I'd rather say no more..." How
do Strawberry's words, quoted by Holly, reverse the way humans think about themselves in relationship
to animals?

(2 marks)
2. Explain why chapter 26 is called 'Fiver Beyond'.

(5 marks)
3. Each of the rabbits: Hazel, Bigwig, Pipkin and Blackberry, is lured into going to the farm by different

For each one, describe the motivation. Then, in a single word, describe what is motivating all of them to

(4 marks)
4. In what ways is Efrafa a very unusual warren? Think of four things.

(4 marks)
5. Describe General Woundwort.

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