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Childrens Learning Academy

Oct ober 2014

Directors Corner Mrs. Gabrielle Cassidy

Hello everyone I would like to announce that I am leaving my post
as lead teacher at CLA to take up the Director's position. I am very
sad to leave both my wonderful classes but I am looking forward to
my new role. I am still around so if you have any questions or
queries please come and find me. We have a wonderful teacher
taking over, Miss Joanie. She has worked here for several years as a
sub and knows both the school and children very well. Thank you
for being such great parents, your children made teaching my
classes an absolute pleasure.

Contact Us

Phone: 06374 99 4131

Address: Siedlung 19B, Mackenbach 67686



CLA has a business page
on Facebook! We list
important information,
class openings, events,
and much more!
You can find us at:

Welcome Back to School!

Important Dates
13 Oct Columbus Day (CLOSED)
3 Oct Deadline - Original Art Orders
22 Oct General Membership MTG
25 Oct Fall Carnival
31 Oct Teacher Work Day (CLOSED)

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October 2014
Childrens Learning Academy
Assistant Director Mrs. Misti Leonard

Happy Fall Everyone,

It is my favorite time of year. A time for sweaters, chilly mornings, trees covered in fall colors,
pumpkins and of course Halloween. At CLA we have a lot of fun things going on this month.
All classrooms have a field trips planned for the pumpkin patch. You will start to notice a change of
scenery around the school as our fall theme begins to appear. There will also be a costume parade for
the children at school along with Spooky parties.

Fall Festival is on October 25
. This is a great opportunity to earn some volunteer hours at the school.
The signup sheet is on bulletin.

Scholastic book orders are due October 1. Every book you buy helps us to buy much needed books for
our library. Box tops will be starting soon, so please save your box tops and give to your childs
teacher. Every box top is worth 10 cents for our school. So lets start saving them. The class with the
most box tops by the end of the month will receive a special surprise.
Safety is very important here at CLA. We have already had a fire drill and did very well. With flu season
approaching please make sure that your kids are in tip-top shape when they come here. We want to
keep the spread of illness down to a minimum.
Thank you so much everyone. It has been a great first month of school and I look forward to a fantastic
school year with all your little kiddos.

Moms Day Out Mrs. Rachel Webb & Mrs. Maria Helms

Fall is here!! This is a very exciting month for our class. Not only will we be celebrating the creepiest
holiday of the year, but we also have our very first field trip! This month our class will be learning all
about harvest time. We will explore all the different ways we grow and prepare our food. We will talk
about the different things you can find in the supermarket and how to grow things at home. Of course
we will also have plenty of creepy crafts and activities all month long.

Transition I Mrs. Jenny Sixto & Mrs. Lindsay Ray

The month of September just flew by. Everyone has settled in well and has adjusted to our routine
wonderfully! We've had new friends join us as our class continues to grow. Now it's time for fall, my
favorite season! For the month of October Trans 1 will be learning from the Harvest Time curriculum.
From seeds to plants, harvest time is a special opportunity for growing minds and bodies to see how
nature grows just like we do. Children's closest interaction with the harvest is through all the yummy
foods they eat. Exploring foods will lead to investigation of how food travels to our favorite restaurants
and to our kitchens at home, meeting all the people that grow it, sell it and cook it along the way. We
will be using our imaginations to make play kitchens and restaurants, playing with empty cardboard
food boxes and exploring real fruits and vegetables. The class will also be learning about fall and
celebrating Halloween as well as looking at the color orange, the circle and oval shape, the numbers 3
& 4 and the letters D E F. On the 9th we will be taking our first field trip to the Sunshine Farm Pumpkin
Patch! What a busy and fun month October will be.

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Childrens Learning Academy

Transition II Mrs. Maria Ferry & Mrs. Raquel Moody

What a great start to the year! It is time for the color orange, the color of falling leaves and
pumpkins. Our theme this month is Harvest Time. We will be making pumpkins and leaves out of
construction paper. We will also be doing paintings in fall colors. We will also be exploring how food
is grown and prepared. We will continue to work on the alphabet, numbers and shapes. Our annual
field trip to the sunshine pumpkin patch is on Oct 7th (T/Th class) and 10
(M/W/F class). Please join
us in this fun and exciting activity

Preschool I Mrs. Krystalynne Nelson

Hello Families of PS-1,

It's been a terrific start to the new school year. All of our minds are growing and learning like little

October will be a fun and exciting month for us, as it is the month of Harvest Day, aka HALLOWEEN.
This month we will be going to the pumpkin patch and we have the Fall Carnival!

In class we will be learning about skin! Our skin, animal skin, and skin on certain foods. In math, our
numbers will be 0-30 counting and recognizing 1-20. As I hope you have noticed, our writing this
month has progressed. We will continue to practice writing our names and various letters. Lastly,
letter sounds are getting beefy. We are taking the letter sounds that we have learned and will be
learning, and turning them into words! If you have any questions or comments please email me or
keep in contact through our FB page.

Ms. Nelsen
Preschool II Mrs. Megan Saunders & Mrs. Noah Kahil

What a first month in Preschool 2! This past month, we started our curriculum with handwriting and
started our first unit, Everyday Places and Spaces. In October, we will start our next unit: Skin
covers everything. We will be focusing on skin- our own skin, as well as animal skin, tree bark, and
vegetable/fruit skin! We have our first field trip this month to the pumpkin patch on Oct. 14th and
15th and will be dissecting pumpkins as well after our field trip. So far, our class pets have been to
Heidelberg, Croatia, Nuremburg, and Bad Durkim along with adventures at home!

Pre Kindergarten I Mrs. Elizabeth Futch & Mrs. Shay Epstein

September was a busy and fun month for Pre-K I! We reviewed how to write the letters P, B, R, D,
E, F, N, M, and H from our Handwriting Without Tears curriculum and started learning their
sounds, too! We have been practicing how to write our numbers as well as counting in sequence,
matching numbers to represent objects, and making AB and AABB patterns. We completed many
science experiments and social studies activities from our curriculum, High Reach Learning. Our
class knows our daily routine by heart, and we love our academic and play centers. This month,
we celebrated "Talk Like a Pirate Day" and Johnny Appleseed's birthday. Next month, we will
continue to learn social skills and science from our curriculum, as well as K, L, U, V, W, and X
sounds and how to write these letters in uppercase. We will be doing a unit on space, pumpkins,
the fall season, and we will be learning about "the skin we're in" from HRL. We will also be going to
the pumpkin patch and celebrating Halloween! Looking forward to a fun October!

Pre Kindergarten II Mrs. Joanie & Mrs. Mary
Hi I'm Miss Joanie the new teacher in Pre K II. This is my third year with the CLA and I'm super
excited to be teaching Pre K II this year! We will be continuing with our Fall theme. The letters
we will be doing are U, C, O and Q. We will be reviewing numbers 0 - 10. Our curriculum this
month is 'Skin Covers Many Things'.

Before and After Care Mrs. Marion & Ms. Jasmine

HI! The Before and Aftercare program would like to give you a warm welcome .
Every month the B & A has put a program together for the children and families who leave their
children in Our Care. Here is a short discription of what CLA offers in out program.
Every month we choose a special theme, and each week we have special projects for the children to
enjoy, while waiting for their parents to pick them up.
For the Month of October is Chasing Goblins and Ghosts, we have weekly Arts and Crafts, once a
week Yoga, with Move and Groove Dance, Music and Dance, In door Games, and At least a Science
Project lined up, Where the children can actually do them selves. On the Last Friday of every Month
we offer a Movie with popcorn as an extra treat. We encourage for all families to participate in our

Aloha Ms. Marion

Library Mr. Cameron

Hello CLA and glad to say we have had a great start to this school year. The children are learning
German quickly and we will continue to incorporate teaching German when each class arrives to the
library. Even the Transition classes, have fun saying, "Guten Morgen" repeatedly! If you have not
noticed, I do have the Facebook page online under . I try to upload as
many pictures I can from the children participating in the different activities in our library. As far as
the computers, the children began to realize we only utilize them on Thursday/Friday, but also they do
enjoy listening and following along to the audio books, learning their alphabet, colors, and shapes.
Really quickly about book checkouts; if your child DOES NOT return their previous checked out book,
they won't get a new book until the previous book is returned. I'm not too concerned about the "fancy"
zip lock bags! Coming up this month, we will be reading/discussing about the changes of weather,
many "Fall" arts and craft projects, and last but not least..... We will continue with many more science

Childrens Learning Academy

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Advisory Council

CLA families and staff,

We hope your school year has started off well!

We will celebrate the season together at our annual Fall Festival, Saturday the 25th of October,
from 3 to 6 PM. This is always a fun day for all of our CLA families to come together, but also a great
opportunity to reach out to the community. Please invite your friends and neighbors!

The hallways of the school look amazing with all of the students original artwork. Make sure to place
your Original Works orders right away so that you can turn your childs art into unique gifts and
mementos. The last day to send in your order is October 3
(please remember to pay using US

Thank you to all who attended our General Membership Meeting. We had a great turn out! We will
have a special general membership meeting on October 22
at 6:15pm to announce tuition
proposals as a result of the German minimum wage effective January 1, 2015 and amendments to our
Constitution that will be voted on at the November general meeting. Please see our bulletin board
for updates.

Finally, we would like to announce that we have hired a new Director. Thank you to Ms. Gabriella
Cassidy for accepting the Director position. Ms. Gabriella was the Pre-Kindergarten II Teacher and
thus we would also like to welcome Ms. Joanie Bass to our Pre-Kindergarten II. Ms. Joanie has been
with the CLA family throughout the last two years and we are pleased that she is again in one of our

If you have any questions or you would like to help with any upcoming events, please feel free to
contact us at


Your Advisory Council Board

Sue Elkins, President
Desiree Rosch, 1st Vice President
Megan Berkes, 2
Vice President
Eryn Eline, Secretary
Lauren Labra, Treasurer
Rachel Bliss, Volunteer Coordinator

Childrens Learning Academy

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