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About the BlackBerry Desktop Software

The BlackBerry Desktop Software links the content and applications on your
BlackBerry smartphone or BlackBerry PlayBook tablet with your computer.
Synchronize your organizer data and media fles, back up and restore your data,
manage your smartphone applications, and een use your smartphone as a modem
to connect to the !nternet from your computer. "ou can also use the BlackBerry
Desktop Software to switch smartphones or tablets if you#re ready for a change.
Whats new in BlackBerry Desktop Software 7.1
$ith BlackBerry Desktop Software %.&, you can'
(dd a BlackBerry PlayBook tablet that has BlackBerry PlayBook )S *.+.& or
later installed on it
Sync your music with your smartphone or tablet by indiidual songs or by
music collection, including albums
Drag and drop picture and ideo folders from your computer into the
BlackBerry Desktop Software to sync with your smartphone or tablet
Sync all of your confgured data at one time by selecting Sync All from any
synchronization screen
,earn about music, pictures, and ideos before confguring the features
Find more information
To iew step-by-step instructions, in the BlackBerry Desktop Software, click
elp . BlackBerry Desktop Software help.
To iew support information, including /nowledge Base articles and forums,
isit http'00na.blackberry.com0eng0support0software0desktop.1sp.
To iew a list of known issues associated with this software release, isit
!e"al notices
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