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We will have to use a video

camera to film our opening. In
some scenes we will only need
the use of one camera if we are
only filming one angle. However,
it is more than likely that we will
need more than one camera in
most scenes. For example in the
couples argument scene we will
need three camera’s. This is
because one will be needed to
film Jane, one to film Mark and the
third to film the mid shot of the
two. It will also allow us to create the 180 degree rule effectively,
ensuring the audience do not get confused.

We will need the use of a tripod as it

will allow the camera to be steady
keeping the shot still. This will give
our film a more professional look as
the filming will not look like it is meant
to be Dutch angle. A tripod will be
used in the majority of scenes as most
will need to be steady. However in one
scene we will make use of the Dutch
angle shot, this will be in the scene
where the antagonist is running
through the forest. The use of this
shot will not require a tripod.

We will make use of a

dolly in some of our
shots. These will include
shots that require
movement of the
camera, such as tracking.
The use of a dolly will
allow us to achieve
smooth movement of the
camera, meaning it will
not look bumpy and will not disorientate the audience. We will
attach a tripod to the dolly.

Equipment List:
• 3 Camera’s
• 3 Memory Cards
• 3 tripods
• 1 Dolly
• Props (see prop list)

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