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1. How does the vendor want your orders placed?

A) Email B) Electronic data interchange C) Online D) By phone

2. How do they charge for drop ship fee? Per item or per address/billing?

3. How many days from receipt of PO do they ship? What is the cut off time?

4. How do they bill? By monthly statement or per transaction, to match your PO issuance?

5. How do they send the bill? By email or snail mail?

6. How do they prefer to receive payment? By check or will they take credit cards
for 1 lump payment? Do they bill against a credit card per transaction?

7. What their policy for pricing? MAP or MSRP?

8. Are they okay with blind shipping?

9. What does the label or paper work look like? Ask if they provide custom papers.?

10. What are the payment terms? Net 30, 15, or is there a discount if invoice is paid
within 5-10 days?

11. Whats the policy for damage claims for both drop ships and inventory items?

12. How do they notify accounts for out of stock items and items that are to be
adjusted on the website?

13. Do they provide product images and descriptions? Is it web-based or on a CD?

14. Do they pad shipping charges? Can you use your own UPS/FedEx account?

15. Whats their way of sending tracking numbers back to customers? Can they
provide text file transfer so that it can automatically go into your order
management software like Stone Edge Technologies, saving you tons of time?

16. How do you know what orders are still open or shipped? How would you know
an order has been shipped?

17. What is their backorder policy/process? Do they ship backorders? What is the
communication process so that you are informed?

18. What is their return and exchange policy?

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