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Famous Renaissance Paintings

Artist: Raphael Vatican The Disputation of the Sacrament

This painting shows two different religiously
based people on opposite sides of the alter.
There are no arguments, but a calm discussion
going on about what the meaning of heaven
is. Vatican had a way to take a piece of
artwork and bring out the meaning of peace
and rationality over something so disputed in
the world, which makes it a true masterpiece.
(Completed in 1508)
The Mass at Bolsena
The Mass at Bolsena is depicting the story of
a German priest who was confused as to if
Christ truly existed in the Eucharist, and is
only reassured when the host begins to
bleed. The image says so much about a
significant story, and that makes it art.
(Completed in 1512)
The School of Athens
In this painting, Aristotle and
Plato are some of the few Greek
philosophers in the piece. They
are all pursuing different acts, for
example Plato is pointing
towards the sky. There is so much
going on in this painting, and its
detail of the walls and flooring
are tremendous, it is a real
masterpiece. (Completed in

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