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Dear Adi

Let claimed myself to be Rozlina Roshman, the Property and the sister of Ahmad Nur Helmi Hamzah and the Dependent on The Kingdom of
Heaven, would like to decided on to your behavioral presentation ; towards me, Kanda, and the Kingdom of Heaven, fortunately, being ,
randomized by me, Mahdi or Queen of R = Jn The 4
, would like to give you the next further instruction, claiming myself to be Mahdi, The
Messenger of God.

Again, with the most satisfaction towards moral development and for further research and development regarding my Ilham of Tawakal, I am
Rozlina Roshman, the Property of C = NT , The Dearest Soul, Claiming himself to be Sir Isaac Newton, with Belive ; Sacred by Thee,
commenting on you, to be behave, as I , Rozlina Roshman or Mahdi *: Madi the 4
, would like to give you the tasks of commanding the
behavioral development of me, Madi on Schematic Diagram and Professionalism.

With plenty of natural resource we had, I am ; The Sister of Ahmad Nur Helmi Hamzah, would like to claimed and decided to you to be The
Sultan of Maneuver the 5
, The Kingdom of Heaven, The Nature Resources Management of Madi the 4th, alias Towards the Obedience to
Thee, subject to The Matter of Family of C = NT. Without further command, I am hoping that, you should not misregard in how to behave
towards natural resource that we had, to composed, promote, adjust and manage ; towards the development of Thee, to the natural
resources and to claimed yourself to be the Structure of Drilling in PETRONAS.

Now, I am Rozlina Roshman, claiming myself to be the Messenger of God, Ilhamed by HIM, to performed TAWAKAL, restructured and
recommend the lost of Dignity of Islam, in this state, where the people are not being remind , yet, through the Sacred of me Madi, and my
Brother, Kanda The HH.

In this manner, I subjected to you, to be strongly behave in how to take care of these resource, mentioned to you clearly, through clarify
guidance by Thee, to manage and to discover whats left before we went further on Saturn.

Best Regard, with Manner, Stand and Complaint ,

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