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Materials Needed:

- 1 notebook,(or section of binder/duotang), with plenty of paper to develop design ideas and notes
- Pencils, erasers and pen
- $7 for course enhancement fee, please see additional letter home
Journal Entries & Notebook 10%
This could include reflecting on questions presented in class or for homework. Questions may include
(but are not limited to) global issues, nutrition choices, product comparison and dietary analysis.
Notebooks/journals will be assessed on completeness, neatness and organization.
Lab work (Cooking Days) 40%
Assessment will be on hygiene, sanitation, product standards, organization, teamwork and safety.
Pasta Mania Project 40%
Students will develop a healthy pasta meal, based on research, understanding of nutrition, recipe
development, lab work and self-evaluation practices.
Participation 10%
To include watching demonstrations, taking an active role in group activities, utilizing time appropriately
during lessons, completing work assigned, and being an active member in group and partner projects.

Course policies and classroom rules:

- Students are expected to be seated in class at the start of the block with all supplies and equipment and
ready to start work. Please bring a note signed by your parent or guardian to explain your attendance if
you happen to be absent.
- Students will respect the classroom environment, themselves, and others and will be engaged in their
learning opportunities at all times.
- Electronics are only to be used when they enhance learning opportunities.
- Food, and beverage choices must be healthy. (Ie. No fast food, or high sugar snacks and beverages.)

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