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Navy Kong Grade 9A Individuals and Societies

September 3, 2014 1
The Emerging Global Village 1400-1800
Timeline Task

Checklists and to dos:
Research the first topic and the second topic (put information
separate word document)

Write two paragraphs for the two topic

Research the last topic (write information onto separate word

Write summary two paragraphs for this topic and complete
the citations. Also transfer information onto tiki-toki.

Upload the word document onto managebac.

1. Portuguese taking over the spice trade
Key words:
o Portuguese
o Spice trade
o Big Era Six
2. Accomplishments of the Ming dynasty lead to power
Key words:
o Ming dynasty
o Accomplishments
o Power
3. Gutenberg printing press influence trading
Key words:
o Gutenberg
o Printing press
o Trading
Research questions:

1. How did the Portuguese take over spice trade at the end of Big Era Six period?
2. How did the accomplishments of the Ming Dynasty lead to power?
3. How did the Gutenberg printing press influence trading?

Portuguese taking control over the spice trade

Navy Kong Grade 9A Individuals and Societies
September 3, 2014 2

Many believed that tea and spices were very essential for humans health.
However, during the Big Era Six period of time, those who drank tea and ate food
with spices were known as the wealthy people. For example, according to the
Spice It Up package, no man should die who can afford a cup of tea, means
that tea was very expensive as well as spices. Besides, there were also other goods
like peppercorn and sugar that were extremely pricy, which barely anyone could
afford it. However, due to the fact that they were too expensive, people only used
it for special occasions, otherwise they kept it in a securely locked place in their
homes. Furthermore, that is just the beginning of the Big Era Six without the
participation of the Europeans in the spice trade. Therefore, when the Portuguese
started to desire for exploration, one of the greatest Portuguese soldier, Afonso
dAlbuquerque, set sail to Asia and established many trading posts, and brought
many spices back to Portugal. So, the Portuguese also expanded their maritime
technology, such as shipboard cannons, in order to carry large weapons to attack
the non-Europeans, making the Portuguese to take all the advantages and benefits
from the spice trade. And at last, they dominated the Spice trade and greatly
established many trading posts around Asia due to the use of the shipboard
cannons and many other powerful weapons. Thus, many islands that were known
for the spice trading were now under the control of the Portuguese. In conclusion,
that was how the Portuguese took control over the Spice trade at the end of Big
Era Six.

How is it connected to globalization?

Globalization means increasing interdependent among people and nations.
However, it can be both positive and negative depending on the result of the rate
of changes.
In this case, the Spice trade is connected to the concept of globalization,
because during the trade, many traders from different kind of areas actively
Shipboard cannons on the Mary Rose.
Navy Kong Grade 9A Individuals and Societies
September 3, 2014 3
participated in the trade. Besides, those traders also shared and spread their
religions among each other throughout the trade. Therefore, there were many
traders participated in the spice trade, but the main traders were the Chinese, the
Arabs, the Indians, and the Africans because they had the most knowledge and
goods to trade with other traders. For example, the Chinese traded the lacquer-
ware, cotton cloth, and rugs because they were very comfortable and lighter than
the European wool. Therefore, with all of the traders, and each of their goods, the
Spice trade was very successful throughout because each of the traders actively
participated in the spice trade.

The accomplishments of the Ming dynasty

Most of the Great Wall of China today was built during the Ming dynasty. The
Ming dynasty started at 1368, and lasted 276 years until 1644 (about almost 300
years). It was followed by the Qing dynasty, but it followed the failure of the Yuan
dynasty, which was ruled by the Mongols. The Ming dynasty was also known as
one of the greatest periods of obedient government and social constancy in the
There were many accomplishments throughout the ruling of the Ming dynasty,
but the main one was when the dynasty was ruled by the Yongle Emperor, as
known as Emperor Zhu Di. As an emperor, Zhu Di made China became a very
powerful country by bringing back the Civil Service Exams, and building the
Forbidden City. However, his biggest accomplishment was building the largest
ships ever seen in history (Swimming Dragons). Not only that, he used the ships he
built to bring back tributes from many countries, and led his empire around the
world with his massive fleet and his admiral, Zheng He. As a result, the Yongle
Emperor brought many tributes back, and established many trading routes
throughout his journey because of the Swimming Dragons, which also acted as a
weapon used to attack other countries in the trade.

How is it connected to power?

The swimming Dragons and Zheng He
Navy Kong Grade 9A Individuals and Societies
September 3, 2014 4
Power can be defined as an individual or a group as a capacity to make things
happen. In this case, one of the most important traders in the Big Era Six, China
was gaining power to participate in the trade. However, before that, the Chinese
from the Ming dynasty had eliminated the Mongols who ruled China from the
Yuan dynasty to bring back the Civil Service Exams, and other systems control of
the government. Therefore, after that, when the Yongle Emperor became the
successor, the Ming dynasty built a massive empire and had maritime technology,
known as the Swimming Dragons to set sailed across the ocean, and around the
world. And by doing that, they exchanged goods, while establishing trading routes
in many different areas. Besides, the Swimming Dragons were also known as the
mobility city, because Zhu Dis admiral, Zheng He, brought many goods back with
his fleet, including live animals. Therefore, the Chinese gained power and wealth
because of the construction and the use of the maritime technology (Swimming
Dragons), and their participation in many trades.

Gutenberg Printing Press Influenced Trade

Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg was a German craftsman
lived from about 1395 to 1468. He was born in Mainz, Germany, but moved to
Strasbourg, France after his father died. He didnt invent printing or movable type,
but he developed the first printing press. The invention of his printing process was
recognized as one of the biggest inventions, because it was used to produce
pictures, cards and other designs. The printing press was spread quickly to other
countries in Europe to help government, universities, and other religious
consultants to print books and spread religious resources. Therefore, when the
printing process was developed even further, more scholars translated books to
increase the rate of literacy, which help many countries to trade and exchange
information. Furthermore, the relationship between the printing press and trade is
that because knowledge was enormously divided into many books, which led the
desire for people to interact and trade this information with each other, which
expanded their understanding about the world around them.
The Gutenberg Bible the first book that was made using the printing press.
Navy Kong Grade 9A Individuals and Societies
September 3, 2014 5

How is it connected to trade?

Trading involves the exchange of goods and services between many
participants. When people are allowed to trade freely, the overall wealth of the
country usually grows.
As a matter of fact, Johannes Gutenberg printing press was developed. It
quickly boost up the economy and the trade during Big Era Six. Not only that, after
the development of the printing press, scholars helped translated more books to use
as a good to exchange information during the trade. This also helped the rate of
literacy to increase in Europe and later on in other parts of the world. Gutenberg
also produced the first book, which is called the Gutenberg Bible. Furthermore, his
printing process also led to other discoveries at different parts of the world because
many more printing technology was developed. Afterwards, many books were then
published for scholars, and also the traders because it helped them a lot in
exchanging information among each other, which helped to boost up the trade
during the Big Era Six. Therefore, Gutenberg printing press was very useful and
powerful because it helped the exchange of information and literacy to developed
more and more during trades. And, that is how his development of printing press is
connected to trade.

Bibliography (image and website citations) (MLA Format):

0_1599.html. Web. 15 Sept. 2014. <http://historic->.

Anderson, James A., China's Southwestern Silk Road in World History. World
History Connected 6.1 (2009): 14 pars. 15 Sep. 2014

Ming Dynasty 1368 - 1644." Chinese Ming Dynasty 1368. Chinasage, 2012.
Web. 15 Sept. 2014. <>.

"The Ming Voyages." BBC News. BBC, 13 Oct. 2011. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.

"Silk Road on the Sea, Maritime Silk Route." Silk Road on the Sea, Maritime Silk
Route. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.

Whipps, Heather. "How Gutenberg Changed the World." LiveScience. TechMedia
Network, 26 May 2008. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.

"Johannes Gutenberg." Britannica School. Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc., 2014. Web.
15 Sep. 2014. <>.

Navy Kong Grade 9A Individuals and Societies
September 3, 2014 6
printing: Bible. Photograph. Encyclopdia Britannica. Web. 15 Sep. 2014.

N.d. Admiral Zheng He - China's Treasure Fleet. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.

"printing press." Britannica School. Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc., 2014. Web. 16
Sep. 2014. <>.

"Johannes Gutenberg - Printing Press." Inventors., n.d. Web.
15 Sept. 2014.

N.d. Shipboard Cannon on the "Mary Rose" Wrecked in the Reign of Henry VIII.
Web. 15 Sept. 2014. <

N.d. Renaissance Technology. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.

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