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Samson Kabunga
armaan jamani
A device that detects or measures a
physical property and records, indicates,
or otherwise responds to it.
What are sensors?
Sensors are commonly part of a computer control
system, there are inputs, processes and outputs.
A sensor measures a specific property data and sends
a signal to the computer. Usually this is
an analogue signal so it needs to be converted
into digital data for the computer to process. This is
done using by an Analogue-to-digital
Converter (ADC). This data is then sent to an actuator
which responds accordingly

How sensors work
Hardware and software involved
Examples of Hardware involved
Video cameras
Touch screens
Analogue-to-digital converter
Software involved

Sensors are used in many areas to make certain tasks
easier. Some include
Burglar alarms
The heat sensors for fire alarms
Automated street lights use light sensors

Where sensors are used
High repeatability.
Accurate reliable recordings.
Can operate 24/7 without breaks.
They can be used in areas which people may find
dangerous or awkward.
They are quick at recording data
Advantages of sensors
Highly dependent on electricity
A lot of maintenance needed
Cost of installation and maintenance is quite high.

Challenges involved in the use of
A smart card reader is an electronic device that is
capable of communicating with smart cards as a
host. Supports both read and written data on the
While sensors are devices that detect or measure a
physical properties such as light intensity, motion,
How smart card readers differ from
Sensors are replacing the need for human labour as they
are more reliable in terms of working in harsh conditions
and also working 24/7.
Sensors connected to burglar alarms can enable the
decrease of risk burglary by warning the residents and the
alarm company about an intruder.
Loss of certain jobs as sensors have become more reliable
and efficient plus they do not require any wages. This
makes sensors the better option as to manual workers as a
result these workers lose their jobs.

Social and ethical issues associated with the
use of sensor technology

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