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Seasons and the dietary change according to Ayurveda:

The six seasons are:Greeshmam, Pravrid,Varsha, Sarad,Hemanta, and Vasanta. The seasons according to
the calendar months, and the tridosha status in the environment, and in our bodeis are as follows:
Mid April to Mid June - Greeshmam -Vata chaya, kapha kopa
mid June to mid August -Pravrid -Vata kopa, kapha sama
Mid August to mid- October -Varsha -pitta chaya, vata kopa
mid- October to Mid December - Sarad - Vata sama, Pitta kopa
Mid December to Mid February - Hemanta -pitta kopa, kapha chaya
Mid February to mid- April - Vasanta - pitta sama, kapha kopa

The period during last eight days of the month of Vrischika and the first 8 days of the monthh of
Dhanu (approximately from the 8th of December to the 23rd of December of every year) is called
Yamadamshtra. This period is characterised by the reduced digestive power in the bodies of all
living beings. Ayurveda instructs that every individual restricts his/ her diet to light and easily
digestible food during this period, as indigestion/ metabolic deficit happening during this period is
very difficult to be cured.
the Tridosha changes during the other seasons can be optimised by the use of those selected
foods and drinks which would alleviate the accentuated( above optimum status) ones, and
accentuates the alleviated(subnormal) levels.

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