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Taylor Young

Quick Write

Author: Anthony Robles
Summary of the Book:
Are you absolutely determined to pursue your goals or do you try to find any
excuse possible to give in to your weaknesses and trials in life? Most of us are
somewhere in between these two extremes. Unstoppable will show you how not to sell
yourself short and to keep doing and being your best.
Anthony Robles is a very inspiring and strong person. He was born without a
right leg, yet his dream was to wrestle. His mother was a strong woman who never saw
her son as deficient or disabled. She showed Anthony that there was nothing wrong
with him and that he could tackle whatever he wanted.
Anthony started wrestling in high school. He was the smallest and least
experienced on the team. With the help of his coach, he helped Anthony develop a style
of wrestling that would honor his strengths and minimize his weaknesses. Anthony did
excel and succeed at his sport with solid determination.
His college years were more difficult. He felt weaker than his opponents a lot of
the time. He was slight in stature and unable to play with the greatest and strongest.
He looked and applied for scholarships in many places. But it was Arizona State who
took him on and gave him a full scholarship. And despite all his weaknesses and
shortfalls, Anthony became determined to win the 2011 NCAA Title.
Unstoppable is a very inspiring books and Anthony never let his disability get in
his way to excellence. Anthony shows that we can all do our best, excel and move past
our fears and weaknesses. All we have to do is to believe in ourselves and work hard.

Grade Level: 11th-12th Grades

Literacy Strategy: Quick Write
Description: Students write a short response to an open ended questions or prompt
provided by the teacher, this gets the students using reflection skills and developing
their writing fluency skills.
Moore, D., Moore, S., Cunningham, P., & Cunningham, J. (2011). Developing readers and
writers in the content areas, K-12 (6th ed.). New York: Pearson Education.
Modifications: Students write individually, but may share with the entire class or in
small groups depending on the class size
Thematic Units, Topics, or Literature Units: This book could be used in an English
class, or in a sports or Physical Education class talking about inspirational athletes, or
talking about obstacles that you have had to overcome in life.
Excerpt from the Book:
I was the featured speaker at the banquet that night, under a vast tent near the
WWRs barracks. After I was introduced, the Marines gave me a standing ovation. There I
was, looking out at these beautiful warriors who had sacrificed body parts for a cause
greater than themselves. Many stood despite lacking one or both legs. Many applauded,
whether they had two hands or not. For the first time in my brief career as a speaker, I had
difficulty starting my speech.
Once I mastered control of my emotions and got rolling, I was fine. I remember
looking up during that speech, after telling the story of how I wasnt recruited out of high
school, despite having won a national championship. I saw Marines nodding; they could
relate to that experience. They knew how it felt to be seen as incomplete, not as good as
everybody else, because they were different. Its the never-ending, uphill battle that we
I was there for a couple of days and talked to them about a lot of things. I was
surprised, and a little sad, to find out how maxed out a lot of them felt at the strain place on
them and their families by multiple deployments. As far as our missing limbs went, I didnt
ask what happened to them, and they didnt ask was happened to me. We didnt really
care. The fact of the matter is it happened, and everyone was moving forward.
When I got back to the airport in Phoenix, I called Gary. I was still in awe of the
experience. That was the best even Ive done so far, I told him. If I wasnt a motivational
speaker, I would be a Marine.
He surprised me with his reply:
But, son, they wouldnt let you join. I think he was just trying to push my buttons.
Why not? I replied. I can do everything they can do.
I was smiling, walking through the parking structure on the way to my truck, thinking
the same thought that crosses my mind whenever someone tells me theres something I
cant do: Try stopping me.

Writing Prompts:
Think About a time in your life that required perseverance, write about it.
What does it mean to you to be unstoppable?
What is the biggest obstacle in your life that is preventing you from reaching your
Who is your biggest fan/ support system in your life?

Quick Write:

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