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I had the opportunity to be apart of the district hiring committee for our Director of Math position.

It is
a newly created position as there has been some systemic structural changes at the District Office.
Before the interviews started we were prepped by our HR director about the process the do and donts
for legal reasons. Then our new superintendent also prepped us on what this role would look like and
the expectations of this person.

Each candidate had 11 questions they had to answer in 30 minutes. We were not to stray from the
questions. If there needed to be probes our HR director was in charge of that.

Because of time constraints, we ranked all four of the candidates and put it on the whiteboard. There
was 2 clear cut candidates that moved on to the next round of interviews with the superintendent.

What did I like?
I liked that we were given the proper way of asking questions from a legal standpoint.
I felt well prepared and I felt comfortable sharing my voice.

The rest of the day I shadowed our administrators. When shadowing our A.P. Teresa Rosen I watched
her deal with the after math of a fight and then also watching her handle one of the students get pretty
heated and walked out.

I saw her deal with a student who has had a restraining order from her dad and now the order is up.
She is pretty scared right now.

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