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Mrs Graham LOVES tomatoes! Everyday she has 2 tomatoes.

For every 2
tomatoes she eats her nose grows 6cm. How long will Mrs Graham's nose be
after a year of eating tomatoes? Give your answer in meters.

There are 50 students in a class. There are 6 naughty students to every 4
good students. How many naughty and good students are there in the class?

Every 30 minutes of homework or study I do, I get three small square
chocolate. One packet of chocolate has 27 small squares. If I manage to eat
51 small squares how many hours have I been studying for? How many
minutes have I been studying for?

Mrs Graham wanted to poison her class of students but she only had five
green one buts she needed 130 red ones.

Every 2 dirt holes there has to be 8 strawberry seeds in them. If the farmer
wanted to the ground to have 28 holes with strawberry seeds in them. How
many strawberry seeds would you need?

Mrs Graham is an angry teacher infact it takes 36 angry Ms Tibbles to be as
angry as 1 Mrs Graham. Once Spg made Mrs Graham so angry she was as
angry as 18 of herself. How many of angry Ms Tibbles were needed to equal

The students of SPG have found a poison formula that can turn people into
witches. The formula states that you mix a toad liver, a rats eye, maggots,
and a lizards intestines in a ratio of 1:5:15:3 for every 20 kilograms. They
estimate that Mrs G weighs 60kgs. What will the students mix together?
PS. Kate, Zoe and Andrea keep telling the class that it is a waste of time as
Mrs G is already a witch!!

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