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Hymns to the Zodiac

By Eric Lonergan


Somatic geomorphology of solidity
Uncorroded by liquidity
Unperturbed, involatility

Fixation of intention
Retention of direction
Materialization, no reflection

Tectonic drift
Slow, unstoppable


Flexiloquous loquacious litany of verbosity
Dextrous encyclopedic epitome of mentality
In actuality,
An allegoric technicality
A factuality
Of apical lexicality
Apodictic rationality
Pedantry? Precisely!


Conceptualization is the actualization of communication
Verbalization is the universalization of signalization

Crystallization of departmentalization
Mobilization of visualization
Externalization of generalization
Realization of contention

These luscious hydrophilic lyrics
Amorous onirics, romantic fluidics
Are sailing waterfalls

Into an ocean we're heading!
Our vapid breaths now, gasping, plunging!
Our vessels collapsing, into gaseous diffusions!
Sublimating seclusions

Intents into liquids now condense
Holistic sentiments in critical opalescence
Flowing rivers, dissolving
Infusions seamlessly swerving, embracing
A whirling twisting whirlpool of fools
Loving hearts they no longer befool

For in the ocean all souls are
One spiraling spool

Piercing beacon in the depths of night
Dances past twilight
In noble draping of golden light
Indiscretion, not slight

For it bathes in bright delight
It sits on thrones in flight
It breathes the shining might
For which all shall endlessly fight

Walk up to its altar
Its beauty cannot falter
Impervious to ugliness
Delicious and magnanimous

Im gonna strip you down to size
There's nothing I can't criticize
All failures I will emphasize
Your ego I will exorcize

There's no such thing as true perfection
I'll break it down section by section
Rationalize - that's my intention
Scrutinize all man's inventions

Automatic systematic analytic
Masochistic verbalistics
I'm the master of statistics
I'm the critic of the critics

The illumination of presence
Is anaclitic histrionic reverence:
A Cypripedium, with all in resonance
Dances in equilibrium, exotic consonance

A magisterium of semblance teaches
A compendium of consilience
A concrescence of flawless balance:

A perfection of reflection
Is the reflection of perfection

A cryptic elliptic
Goes transmorphic
Now an asymptotic black hole of soul
A cortical vortex

Concrescence of luminescence
Tumescence of opalescence
Iridescence my excrescence
Eternal candescence, in crescent florescence
What is the meaning of senescence?

Rising in flames I learn to see
The substance, the reality
Suffused plasmatic true beauty
The source, the luminosity
Amber singularity

Seeds of entropy
Sprout vivacity
Incendiary missionary
Tumultuary sanguinary
Exploding antiphonary

Perish in flames, reborn in ash
I'm at the tip of the whiplash
A phoenix
Flying straight up to the zenith
1. Fortification of prediction
2. Calculation of function
3. Architectural construction
4. Execution of action
5. Refer to Harder Better Faster Stronger by Daft Punk for further instruction
6. End of poem

In the name of all our nation
Is the core of our formation
Strengthening deepest foundation

In the name of the collective
We must alter our perspective
Find the truth in the subjective
Of the ultimate objective

In the name of wisest wisdom
We establish a new kingdom
In the name of truest freedom
We uphold, accepting selfdom
Society is now an axiom
Of which we are the smallest fraction

Pungent relent
Anent transcendent
Crescent intent

Starwards upsent

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