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Propose five (5) tools & techniques in auditing.

1. Checklist can identify the audible points for verifications as they are describe within
procedure. It is very useful in specialised cases where a complex range of issue and
questioned needed.
2. Questionnaire- provide a basis and structuring foremost audits
3. Questioning purpose information gathering in nature and not an interrogation
4. Conservative- it is part of the process that checs that the observations accurately
5. Photograph formal approval to being a camera onto the site for the internal audit mst be
obtained before the audit begin

why is environmental auditing important? Give 3 answer
1. It contributes to implementation of the adopted international responsibility and convention
of the environment protection.
2. Contributes to the creation of the efficient and effective control mechanism over the
implementation of the national environment legaslation and environmental policy
3. Contributes to the defining of the unambiguous and harmonize environmental legislation.

Briefly discuss three (3) types of non-conformance.
1. Ommission - a requirement of EMS as not been address
2. Implementation - a practice be first from the defined system
3. Effectiveness the system are not working as intended

Briefly discuss three (3) audit steps.
1. Pre- audit include planning the audit, select the personnel for the audit team, prepare the
audit protocol used by the organizations and obtain background information about the
2. On-site audit is conduct during auditing where to understand the internal control,
assessing strength and weaknesses of internal controls, gathering audit evidence, recording
audit finsings, evaluating the audit, and reporting the audit.
3. Post audit To prepare a draft report which is review by the plan management to confirm its
accuracy, then they will distribute to senior management according to the requirement of
the company and once the audit programme is in place, the future audit will include task
report and progress in the implementation of any recommendation need.
List five (5) type of environmental auditing.
1. Supplier audit
2. Product audit
3. Energy audit
4. Environmental marketing audit
5. Cleaner Production audit

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