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Values and traits:

Teaching how to learn
Leading edge (books, interviews)
Being responsive
Open mindedness (remembering that everyone is different)
Confidence (to readjust)
Developing style and balance: standing between a dictator and a pushover
Humor (sometimes at own expense)
Accepting faults
Caring, nurturing
Strong leadership
Constantly reflective
Belief in what one is doing

Lessons should be
Entertaining & with substance

Valuable thoughts to keep in mind
Pushing to excel while being human
Working on communication skills (mine and students)
Work the room
They are conductors, class is orchestra, teacher develops skill and makes a
coherent whole
Maintaining a relaxed atmosphere
Devoting time to everyone
Have fun, intrinsic rewards
Wanting to make a difference
Overcoming obstacles
Communication Skills (at their level, with parents)
Respect and adjust to unique personalities and learning styles
Differences welcomed: exciting learning atmosphere
Understand needs
Environment of support: create a safe, fun environment where they can express
themselves creatively
Interview those with experience
Have high standards
Look for and praise progress, not innate skills
Make them love learning
No judging (especially based on grades or assessments)
Not letting success define them
Individualizing but without preferences
No pressure
Never underestimating

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