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Kaumron Eidgahy

Mrs. Smolonsky
Photography 1: Period 1
8 October 2014
Photo Write 10/08/14: Review Study Day
A review study day is a day for students to study for an up coming quiz. You will review
every project, photo write, photo journal, and assignment on your own. Type up any
questions you would like clarification on.
How do you create movement marked by the regulation succession of strong
and weak elements in rhythm photography?
What are radial photographs?
How can you use size contrast to create a focal point?
How can you use diagonals to create a dramatic photograph with movement?
How do you use aspect ratio to your advantage?
When is the best time to break certain rules of composition and how can you
tell when they will make a photograph better?
What is ISO and how can it be used in daily photography?
How can you use Photoshop to improve everyday photographs?
How can we use our knowledge of famous photographers to influence our
photography and improve our photographs?

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