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1. Difference between directcast and ctype.

2. An example of a ctype and directcast.

3. Ctype(123.34,integer) s!o"ld it t!row an error# $!y or w!y not#
4. Directcast(123.34,integer) s!o"ld it t!row an error# $!y or w!y not#
%. Difference between a s"b and a f"nction.
&. 'xplain manifest ( metadata.
). *cope of p"blic+pri,ate+friend+protected+protected friend.
-. Different .inds of met!ods.
/. Difference between imperati,e and interrogati,e code.
10. Difference between ,al"e and reference type.
11. $!at are t!e two .inds of properties#
12. $!at is t!e raise e,ent "sed for#
13. 'xplain constr"ctor.
14. $!at is a reso"rce# 1ro,ide an example from yo"r recent pro2ect.
1%. $!at is a system loc.#
1&. Describe ways of cleaning "p ob2ects.
1). $!ere does t!e dispose met!od lie and !ow can it be "sed to clean "p reso"rces#
1-. 3ow can yo" clean "p ob2ects !olding reso"rces from wit!in t!e code#

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